KEDIRI – Kasus dugaan bullying terhadap siswi SMPN 1 Kota Kediri, mulai ada perkembangan. Pihak keluarga korban, Dinas Pendidikan Kota Kediri, dan SMPN 1 sudah melakukan pertemuan. Informasi yang dikumpulkan, pertemuan itu dilakukan di SMPN 1 Kota Kediri. Para pihak, baik pihak sekolah maupun keluarga korban, saling memaafkan. Informasinya, pihak sekolah juga sempat meminta maaf ke korban, D.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, salah seorang siswa SMPN 1 Kota Kediri, menjadi korban bullying hingga mengalami depresi hingga pihak keluarga korban memberikan surat somasi ke sekolah. Sebenarnya, sebelum somasi muncul, jauh hari di antara mereka sudah terjadi pertemuan perdamaian. Namun, kasus itu muncul kembali dengan adanya somasi dari pihak keluarga korban.
Saat dikonfirmasi terkait pertemuan ini, Moch. Mahbuba SH, penasehat hokum keluarga korban, membenarkan adanya pertemuan itu. “Ya… mengarah ke perdamaian mas,”ujar Mahbuba, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap.
Saat ditanya mengapa pertemuannya di kantor psikolog? Mahbuba mengatakan bahwa korban merasa nyaman jika didampingi psikolog. Dalam pertemuan itu juga dihadiri pihak Dinas Pendidikan Kota Kediri. “Sudah saling memaafkan antara korban dengan pihak sekolah,” lanjutnya.
Apakah itu berarti tuntutan agar pihak sekolah meminta maaf secara terbuka di hadapan para siswa sudah tidak perlu atau sudah tidak ada lagi permintaan maaf terbuka? Mahbuba menjelaskan pembicaraan belum sampai masalah itu. “Belum mas. Kita masih dalam proses mediasi,”tambah Mahbuba.
Sementara itu, Kepala SMPN 1 Marsudi Nugroho saat dikonfirmasi soal hasil pertemuan itu, mengatakan bahwa hasilnya adalah islah. Damai, aman, sejahtera untuk semuanya. Saat ditanya bagaimana dengan tuntutan awal pihak keluarga korban agar sekolah meminta maaf secara terbuka di hadapan siswa? Marsudi justru menyebut bahwa hasil islah yang lama terjadi, sebelum ada somasi, yaitu 30 Januari 2020. “ Hasil islah yang tanggal 30-1-2020, tidak ada tuntutan apa-apa ke sekolah,”katanya. (mam)
Bullying Case Mediation, Not Completed
KEDIRI – Cases of suspected bullying against students of SMPN 1 Kediri, there have been developments. The victim’s family, the Kediri City Education Office, and SMPN 1 had a meeting. Information collected by, the meeting was held at one of the psychologist’s offices in Kediri. The parties, both the school and the victims’ families, forgive each other. The information, the school also had apologized to the victim, D.
As reported previously, one of the students of SMPN 1 Kediri City, became a victim of bullying until experiencing depression until the victim’s family gave a summons to the school. In fact, before the summons appeared, far away between them there had been a peace meeting. However, the case reappeared with a summons from the victim’s family.
When confirmed regarding this meeting, Moch. Mahbuba, the legal advisor to the families of the victims, confirmed the meeting. “Yes … leads to peace mas,” said Mahbuba, when confirmed through whatsap channel.
When asked why his meeting at the psychologist’s office? Mahbuba said that the victim felt comfortable if accompanied by a psychologist. The meeting was also attended by the City of Kediri Education Office. “It’s already forgiving each other between the victim and the school,” he continued.
Does that mean that demands that the school apologize publicly in front of students are unnecessary or that there are no more open apologies? Mahbuba explained the conversation had not reached that problem. “Not yet, mas. We are still in the process of mediation, “Mahbuba added.
Meanwhile, Principal of SMPN 1 Marsudi Nugroho when confirmed about the results of the meeting, said that the result was reconciliation. Peaceful, safe, prosperous for all. When asked what about the initial demands of the victims’ families that the school apologize publicly in front of students? Marsudi actually said that the results of the reconciliation took a long time before there was a summons, namely January 30, 2020. “The results of reconciliation were from 30-1-2020, there were no demands on the school,” he said. (mam)
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