KEDIRI- Murdi Hantoro, disebut-sebut sebagai ketua DPC PDI-Perjuangan Kabupaten Kediri, menggantikan Sutrisno yang telah mengundurkan diri beberapa waktu lalu. Sementara ini, ketua DPC diisi oleh Plt yang dipegang Budi Sulistyo alias Mbah Kanang. Ketua definitif PDIP Kabupaten Kediri ini sangat urgen saat pendaftaran calon Bupati Kediri yang mereka usung, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, awal September mendatang. Karena pendaftaran calon bupati ke KPU harus dilakukan oleh ketua partai definitif, bukan Plt.
Sumber-sumber di internal PDIP hampir semuanya belum berani memastikan siapa ketua DPC PDIP Kabupaten Kediri yang baru. Tetapi saat disebut kabar Murdi Hantoro sebagai pengganti Sutrisno, hampir semuanya bilang ‘insya Allah’.
Sekretaris DPC PDIP Kabupaten Kediri, Dodik Purwanto saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap, hingga berita ini ditulis, sama sekali tidak memberikan jawaban. Sedangkan Wasis, salah satu kandidat kuat yang bersaing dengan Hantoro, tidak mengelak soal info Hantoro yang ditunjuk DPP untuk menjadi ketua DPC PDIP Kabupaten Kediri. “ Ditunggu saja. Siapapun nanti yang ditunjuk, semoga bisa amanah dan dapat membesarkan partai,”kata Wasis.
Hal serupa diungkapkan Tri Efendi, yang juga kandidat calon ketua DPC PDIP. Hanya, dia tidak berani memastikan kebenaran kabar itu, karena belum diumumkan. “Insya Allah Mas, tapi kita tunggu kebenarannya. DPD Jatim dan DPP yang berhak mendefinitifkan,”jelas Efendi.
Sementara itu, Murdi Hantoro, saat dikonfirmasi justru mengaku belum tahu jika namanya ditunjuk sebagai ketua DPC PDIP. “Saya belum tahu. Saya tidak mau mendahului. itu kewenangan DPP. Kita tunggu saja pengumumannya,”tandas Hantoro. (mam)
Hantoro, the new chairman of the PDIP?
KEDIRI-Murdi Hantoro, said to be the chairman of the PDI-Perjuangan DPC in Kediri Regency, replaces Sutrisno who had resigned some time ago. Meanwhile, the chairman of the DPC is filled by Plt, held by Budi Sulistyo alias Mbah Kanang. The definitive chairman of the PDIP of Kediri Regency is very urgent when registering the candidate for Regent of Kediri, Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, in early September. Because the registration of candidates for regents to the KPU must be done by the chairman of the definitive party, not Plt.
Almost all of the PDIP internal sources have not dared to confirm who the new chairman of DPC PDIP Kediri Regency is. But when Murdi Hantoro’s news was mentioned as Sutrisno’s replacement, almost all of them said ‘insha Allah’.
Secretary of the DPC PDIP Kediri Regency, Dodik Purwanto, when confirmed through the WhatsApp channel, until this news was written, did not provide an answer at all. Meanwhile, Wasis, one of the strong candidates who was competing with Hantoro, did not deny the question of Hantoro’s information that was appointed by the DPP to become the chairman of DPC PDIP in Kediri Regency. ” Just wait. Whoever is appointed later, hopefully it can be trusted and can raise the party, “said Wasis.
The same thing was expressed by Tri Efendi, who is also a candidate for chairman of the PDIP DPC. However, he did not dare to confirm the truth of the news, because it had not been announced. “God willing, Mas, but we are waiting for the truth. DPD East Java and DPP have the right to define, “said Efendi.
Meanwhile, Murdi Hantoro, when confirmed, admitted that he did not know if his name had been appointed as chairman of the PDIP DPC. “I do not know. I don’t want to go overboard. that is the authority of the DPP. We’ll just wait for the announcement, “said Hantoro. (mam)
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