KEDIRI – Ada banyak cara untuk mencegah berkembangnya virus Corona, khususnya di tempat-tempat layanan masyarakat. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh Satlantas Polres Kediri Kota. Untuk lokasi penunggu pemohon SIM, dilakukan penyemprotan anti corona dan penyediaan hand sanitizer. Dengan demikian, diharapkan virus Corona tidak sampai berkembang dan menular ke para pencari SIM.
Kasatlantas Polres Kediri Kota, AKP Indra Wibowo menjelaskan, selain di lokasi layanan SIM, ada beberapa lokasi yang disediakan hand sanitizer, antara lain penjagaan Mako Lantas, ruang kerja Kasatlantas, ruang Satpas, ruang praktik SIM, Ruang Urmin, ruang Satpas, ruang tilang, ruang penyidikan Laka Lantas, ruang Samsat, ruang BPKB, dan ruang Urmintu. “Kita ikut membantu pencegahan corona,”ujar Indra.
Untuk pencegahan lebih kuat, Selasa (16/3/2020) ruang ujian SIM, foto SIM, dan ruang tunggu SIM, semuanya disemprot anti virus Corona. Sehingga para petugas dan pemohon layanan SIM, bisa lebih terjamin untuk terhindar dari penularan corona. “Ini ingin memaksimalkan pencegahan penyebaran virus corona di tempat layanan masyarakat kita,”tambah Indra.
Pantauan, layanan SIM di Satlantas Polres Kediri Kota masih berjalan normal. Ratusan warga dengan sabar menunggu untuk pelayanan, termasuk uji praktik mengendarai motor untuk bisa mendapatkan SIM. (mam)
Location of SIM Service Sprayed Anti Corona
KEDIRI – There are many ways to prevent the development of Corona virus, especially in community service places. Like what the Kediri City Police Satlantas did. For the location of the SIM applicant’s watcher, anti-corona spraying and hand sanitizer are provided. Thus, it is hoped that the Corona virus will not spread and spread to SIM seekers.
Kasatlantas Kediri City Police, AKP Indra Wibowo explained, in addition to the location of the SIM service, there are several locations provided by hand sanitizers, including safeguarding Mako Lantas, Kasatlantas workspace, Satpas room, SIM practice room, Urmin room, Satpas room, ticket room, Laka Lantas investigation room, Samsat room, BPKB room, and Urmintu room. “We are helping to prevent corona,” Indra said.
For stronger prevention, Tuesday (3/16/2020) the SIM test room, SIM photo, and SIM waiting room, all sprayed with Corona anti-virus. So that the officers and applicants for SIM services, can be more guaranteed to avoid corona transmission. “This wants to maximize the prevention of the spread of the corona virus in our community services,” Indra added.
Monitoring, SIM services at the Kediri City Police Traffic Unit are still running normally. Hundreds of residents are waiting patiently for service, including a practice test to drive a motorcycle to be able to get a SIM. (mam)
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