LDII Sebut yang Positif di Luar Pondok


KEDIRI – Isu adanya sejumlah orang yang meninggal dunia usai acara perkemahan Cinta Alam Indonesia (CAI) di Pondok Wali Barokah LDII Kota Kediri, dinilai belum tentu karena Covid-19. Karena mereka umumnya memang sudah memiliki riwayat penyakit. “Mereka memang sudah memiliki riwayat penyakit,”ujar KH Sunarto, ketua pondok Wali Barokah.

Sedangkan terkait dengan meninggalnya ketua umum LDII yaitu Prof. K.H. Abdullah Syam, Sunarto menjelaskan beliau memang sudah tua. Sehingga tidak perlu dihubungkan dengan Covid-19. Meski demikian, Sunarto juga mengakui ada anggota LDII yang positif dan harus diisolasi. Tetapi dia domisilinya di luar pondok. “Hanya alamat KTP-nya memang di alamat pondok. Semacam numpang alamat,”tandas Sunarto.

Secara umum, Pondok Wali Barokah LDII menjalankan protokol kesehatan secara ketat, sehingga Pondok Wali Barokah juga ditetapkan sebagai pondok pesantren tangguh. Secara internal, Pondok Wali Barokah juga memiliki tim kesehatan dan di bawah koordinasi Puskesmas. Sehingga persoalan kesehatan sangat dijaga. “Bahkan jika saat ini pondok-pondok lain sudah menerima santri baru, pondok Wali Barokah belum menerima. Wali Santri juga belum diperbolehkan menjenguk santri, sampai kondisinya benar-benar aman. Kita menunggu instruksi pemerintah,”tambah Sunarto. (mam)

LDII Said the Positive Outside the Islamic Boarding

KEDIRI – The issue of a number of people who died after the Indonesian Love Nature camp (CAI) event at Pondok Wali Barokah LDII in Kediri, was judged not necessarily because of Covid-19. Because they generally do have a history of disease. “They already have a history of illness,” said KH Sunarto, head of the Wali Barokah lodge.
While related to the death of the LDII general chairman Prof. K.H. Abdullah Syam, Sunarto explained he was indeed old. So it doesn’t need to be connected to Covid-19. However, Sunarto also admitted that there were LDII members who were positive and had to be isolated. But he domiciles outside the hut. “Only the KTP address is indeed the address of the cottage. It’s a kind of address, “said Sunarto.
In general, LDII Pondok Wali Barokah operates a strict health protocol, so Pondok Wali Barokah is also established as a formidable boarding school. Internally, Pondok Wali Barokah also has a health team and is under the coordination of the Puskesmas. So that health problems are very guarded. “Even if at present the other lodges have received new students, the Wali Barokah cottage has not yet received. Wali Santri is also not yet allowed to visit students, until conditions are truly safe. We are waiting for government instructions, “added Sunarto. (mam)

Penyakit virus corona (COVID-19)
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