KEDIRI – Latihan di Sekolah Sepak Bola (SSB) Persik, secara keseluruhan, baik kelompok umur 14, 16,18, dan 20, dihentikan sementara oleh manajemen Persik, paska munculnya kegaduhan karena para wali siswa yang menuntut agar perlengkapan siswa SSB segera dipenuhi. Mengingat, mereka sudah membayar Rp 1 juta per siswa, di luar iuran Rp 300 ribu per bulan. Penghentian itu dilakukan tanpa batas waktu yang jelas.
Informasi yang dikumpulkan, penghentian latihan SSB Persik itu dilakukan agar manajemen SSB Persik di bawah kepemimpinan Saad Subkan, memberikan laporan keuangan secara tertulis dan utuh ke manajemen Persik, PT Kediri Jayati Perkasa, PT yang menaungi Persik Kediri, di bawah kepemimpinan Abdul Hakim. Dalam pertemuan bersama wali siswa itu, pengelola SSB diminta menyelesaikan laporan keuangannya.
Humas Persik, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, membenarkan adanya pertemuan antara Presiden Persik Abdul Hakim beserta pengurus, pengurus SSB, dan wali siswa SSB, untuk menyelesaikan polemik yang berkembang, khususnya antara SSB Persik dengan wali siswa.
Apakah saat itu betul SSB Persik melaporkan semuanya ke manajemen Persik? Sebagaimana yang disampaikan Andi, salah satu pengurus SSB? Basalamah tidak memberikan jawaban langsung. Dia mengatakan bahwa pertemuan itu tidak untuk saling menyalahkan, tetapi evaluasi,”ujar Basalamah.
Basalamah menjelaskan, setelah pertemuan dengan wali siswa, masalahnya sudah clear. Dalam waktu dekat, hak-hak siswa SSB yang dipersoalkan oleh wali siswa juga akan segera direalisasi. Diprediksi, dalam waktu tidak terlalu lama, termasuk sebagian siswa SSB yang disebut belum bayar, yang ditudingkan SSB sebagai penyebab macetnya keuangan. “Data validnya belum ada. Direncanakan pertengahan Agustus sudah ada data validnya,”tambah Basalamah.
Saat ditanya apakah itu berarti SSB sebenarnya sudah laporan tapi manajemen Persik lalai, atau SSB memang belum memberikan laporan? Basalamah tidak mengurai dengan jelas. “Itu tidak berarti apa-apa, yang jelas tidak ada statemen dari Persik yang menyalahkan,”tambahnya.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, para wali siswa SSB Persik menuntut agar perlengkapan latihan siswa SSB segera dipenuhi, karena sudah sejak Februari lalu perlengkapan belum terpenuhi. Padahal mereka sudah membayar Rp 1 juta per siswa. (mam)
SSB Persik Training Stopped
KEDIRI – Training at the Peach Football School (SSB), as a whole, both the 14, 16.18 and 20 age groups, were stopped temporarily by the management of Peach, after the commotion arose because the guardians of students who demanded that SSB students’ equipment be immediately filled. Bearing in mind, they have already paid Rp. 1 million per student, excluding contributions of Rp. 300 thousand per month. Termination was carried out without a clear time limit.
The information collected by, the cessation of the Peach SSB training was carried out so that the management of Persik SSB under Saad Subkan’s leadership gave financial reports in writing and in full to the management of Persik, PT Kediri Jayati Perkasa, the PT that oversees Persik Kediri, under the leadership Abdul Hakim. In a meeting with the student’s guardian, the manager of SSB was asked to complete his financial statements.
Persik PR, Anwar Bahar Basalamah, confirmed that there was a meeting between President Peach Abdul Hakim and the administrators, SSB administrators, and SSB student guardians, to resolve the growing polemic, especially between SSB Persik and student guardians.
Was it true that SSB Persik reported everything to the management of Persik? As Andi said, one of the administrators of SSB? Basalamah did not give a direct answer. He said that the meeting was not to blame each other, but evaluation, “Basalamah said.
Basalamah explained, after the meeting with the guardians of students, the problem was clear. In the near future, the rights of SSB students who are questioned by the guardians of students will also be realized. It is predicted that, in the not too distant future, including some SSB students who are said to have not been paid, which SSB blames as a cause of financial stagnation. “There is no valid data yet. It is planned that by mid-August there will be valid data, “Basalamah added.
When asked whether that meant the SSB had actually reported but the management of Peach was negligent, or did SSB really not provide a report? Basalamah doesn’t parse clearly. “That does not mean anything, clearly there is no statement from Peach who blames,” he added.
As reported previously, the guardians of SSB students from Peach demanded that SSB students’ training equipment be immediately fulfilled, because since last February the equipment had not been fulfilled. Even though they have already paid Rp. 1 million per student. (mam)
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