KEDIRI – Setelah dosen IAIN Kediri yang menjadi petugas haji, NA, positif Corona, kini giliran petugas kesehatan di Kabupaten Kediri yang tinggal di Kota Kediri, juga positif Corona. Kebetulan, keduanya sama-sama petugas haji yang mengikuti diklat di Surabaya. “Betul. Dia petugas haji. Yang lainnya sudah dinyatakan sehat. Mudah=mudahan dia segera sembuh,”ujar M. Zuhri, kepala Kemenag Kabupaten Kediri.
Kepastian adanya warga Kota Kediri yang positif corona itu, setelah Walikota Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar mengumumkan adanya warga yang positif Corona. “Ini artinya Kota Kediri masuk dalam salah satu wilayah zona merah pandemi Covid-19 di Jawa Timur. Jadi saya meminta warga Kota Kediri patuhi semua protokol dan surat edaran untuk pencegahan Covid-19, agar pandemi Corona ini tidak meluas” jelas Mas Abu dalam pers rilisnya.
Sementara itu, juru bicara Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Kota Kediri dr. Fauzan Adima menjelaskan, dengan adanya kasus ini, pihaknya akan melakukan tracing dan penyelidikan epidemiologi terkait kasus tersebut. “Warga yang pernah kontak erat dengan pasien tersebut akan dilakukan rapid test,” jelasnya.
Menurut Fauzan, pihaknya akan melakukan penyemprotan desinfektan di lokasi rumah pasien. “Masyarakat tidak perlu panik, yang terpenting tetap tinggal di rumah agar tidak terpapar virus Corona,” tambah Fauzan.
Warga yang merasa pernah kontak dengan pasien positif corona atau merasa ada gejala yang mengarah pada infeksi Corona, lanjut Fauzan, diharapkan segera menghubungi Call Center Covid-19 Kota Kediri 0354 – 2894000 atau WhatsApp 0811 3787 119. (mam)
Again, Corona Hajj Officer
KEDIRI – After the Kediri IAIN lecturer who became a hajj officer, NA, Corona positive, now it is the turn of health workers in Kediri Regency who live in Kediri City, also Corona positive. Incidentally, both of them were pilgrims who attended the training in Surabaya. “That’s right. He is a pilgrimage officer. The others have been declared healthy. Hopefully he can get well soon, “said M. Zuhri, head of the Ministry of Religion in Kediri Regency.
The certainty of the citizens of Kediri City who was positive about the corona, after the Mayor of Kediri Abdullah Abu Bakar announced that there were positive citizens of Corona. “This means that the City of Kediri is included in one of the Covid-19 pandemic red zones in East Java. So I ask the citizens of Kediri City to obey all protocols and circulars to prevent Covid-19, so that the Corona pandemic is not widespread,” explained Mas Abu in the press the release.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Kediri City, Dr. Fauzan Adima explained, with the existence of this case, his party would conduct tracing and epidemiological investigations related to the case. “Residents who have had close contact with these patients will have a rapid test,” he explained.
According to Fauzan, his office will spray disinfectants at the patient’s home location. “People do not need to panic, the most important thing is to stay at home so they are not exposed to the Corona virus,” added Fauzan.
Residents who feel that they have been in contact with corona positive patients or feel there are symptoms that lead to Corona infection, continued Fauzan, are expected to immediately contact the Covid-19 Call Center of Kediri City 0354 – 2894000 or WhatsApp 0811 3787 119. (mam)
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