KEDIRI – M. Nuhan, Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Safinda, Plemahan, dituntut 11 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 50 juta oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Tommy Marwanto S.H dalam persidangan lanjutan di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kabupaten Kediri, karena dinilai secara sah melakukan pencabulan dengan kekerasan terhadap salah satu santrinya, N, yang masih berumur 12 tahun. “Dia sengaja melakukan kekerasan atau ancaman kekerasan memaksa anak melakukan persetubuhan,”ujar Tommy, dalam tuntutannya yang dibacakan di depan majelis hakim.
Seperti diberitakan, Nukan, pengasuh Ponpes Safinda Plemahan, ditangkap polisi awal Januari 2020 setelah dilaporkan oleh keluarga korban, karena diduga telah melakukan pencabulan terhadap N. Kasus ini sempat membuat heboh di masyarakat, karena Nukan yang seharusnya melindungi anak didiknya tetapi justru mencabulinya.
Sementara itu, Sutrisno SH, penasehat hukum terdakwa Nukan, menjelaskan tuntutan jaksa dinilai terlalu berat. Karena saksi korban di depan persidangan mengaku melepas sendiri celana dalamnya. Sehingga unsur kekerasan dalam kejadian itu tidak terpenuhi. “Saat kejadian juga tidak ada kekerasan seperti menempeleng, memukul punggung korban dan sebagainya,”jelasnya.
Sutrisno juga menilai para saksi yang dihadirkan JPU dalam persidangan, semuanya tidak ada yang mengetahui, melihat, dan mendengar sendiri kejadian persetubuhan itu. Fakta-fakta persidangan itu dinilai Sutrisno memperlemah dakwaan JPU. (mam)
‘Obscene Kyai’ Claimed 11 Years
KEDIRI – M. Nuhan, Caregiver at Safinda Islamic Boarding School, Plemahan, was charged with 11 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) Tommy Marwanto SH in a continued trial at the Kediri District Court (PN), because he was judged to have legally committed sexual abuse with violence against one of his students, N, who is 12 years old. “He deliberately commits violence or threat of violence forcing children to have intercourse,” said Tommy, in his lawsuit which was read in front of the panel of judges.
As reported, Nukan, caretaker of the Safinda Plemahan Ponpes, was arrested by police in early January 2020 after being reported by the victim’s family, for allegedly having committed sexual abuse against N. This case had caused a stir in the community, because Nukan was supposed to protect his students but instead violated it.
Meanwhile, Sutrisno SH, defendant Nukan’s legal counsel, explained that the prosecutors’ demands were considered too heavy. Because the victim witness in front of the trial claimed to take off his own pants. So that the element of violence in the incident was not fulfilled. “During the incident there was also no violence such as slapping his head, hitting the victim’s back and so on,” he explained.
Sutrisno also assessed the witnesses presented by the prosecutor at the hearing, all of whom did not know, see, and hear themselves about the sexual intercourse. The facts of the trial were considered by Sutrisno to weaken the prosecutor’s indictment. (mam)
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