KEDIRI – KPU Kabupaten Kediri, mengaku kurang atau tidak cukup dana untuk melakukan debat publik II di Kediri, sehingga debat publik II Calon Bupati / Wakil Bupati Kediri, Selasa (17/11/2020) dilakukan di Surabaya, tepatnya di salah satu studio TV di Surabaya.
Komisioner KPU Nanang Qosim, mengakui debat II digelar di studio salah satu televisi di Surabaya, dengan pertimbangan biaya. Jika debat publik digelar di Kediri, biayanya akan lebih besar. Selain harus bayar tayangan televisi, juga harus mengeluarkan biaya sewa gedung, sound sistem, tenda, panggung, dan sebagainya. “Jika di studio, harganya include dengan tayangan,”ujar Nanang, ditemui di kantornya.
Menurut Nanang, debat publik hanya Rp 100 juta. Sehingga harus diirit sedemikian rupa agar bisa cukup. “Kalau di studio Surabaya, bisa menghemat biaya,”tandasnya.
Selama proses Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri, KPU akan menggelar tiga kali debat publik. Dua kali digelar di Kediri, yaitu debat I dan III, sedangkan debat publik II digelar di Surabaya. (mam)
KPU Less of Funds, Debate II in Surabaya
KEDIRI – KPU of Kediri Regency, admitted that there was not enough or not enough funds to conduct public debate II in Kediri, so that the second public debate for Candidates for Regent / Deputy Regent of Kediri, Tuesday (17/11/2020) was held in Surabaya, to be precise in one of the TV studios in Surabaya.
KPU commissioner Nanang Qosim admitted that the second debate was held in a television studio in Surabaya, with consideration of cost. If a public debate is held in Kediri, the costs will be greater. Apart from having to pay for television shows, you also have to pay for the rent for the building, sound system, tent, stage, and so on. “In the studio, the price includes impressions,” said Nanang, when met at his office.
According to Nanang, the public debate was only Rp 100 million. So it must be economized in such a way as to be sufficient. “In the Surabaya studio, it can save costs,” he said.
During the Pilkada process in Kediri Regency, the KPU will hold three public debates. Two times it was held in Kediri, namely debate I and III, while the second public debate was held in Surabaya. (mam)
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