Bukan Delik Aduan, Jaksa Tidak Perlu Tunggu MA
KEDIRI – Kasus lelang proyek di lingkungan Pemkab Kediri, antara lain yang sudah divonis Komisi Pengawasan Persaingan Usaha (KPPU), dinilai perlu diusut terkait dugaan pidananya. Adanya vonis KPPU yang memenangkan penggugat, itu berarti bukti-bukti penggugat lebih kuat dan meyakinkan disbanding bukti tergugat. Kasus-kasus lelang proyek itu, masih dalam proses kasasi di MA oleh tergugat.“Melihat keputusan KPPU, sangat potensial adanya pidana di persekongkolan lelang proyek itu. Baik dalam bentuk kerugian negara atau menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain,”ujar Samsul Arifin SH, ketua Lembaga Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (LKBHI) Nusantara.
Seperti diberitakan kediripost, sejumlah proyek bernilai total hampir Rp 0,5 triliun di Kabupaten Kediri, digugat di KPPU RI karena diduga adanya persekongkolan antara Pokja Unit Layanan Pengadaan (ULP) dan rekanan untuk memenangkan sejumlah tender itu. Para rekanan divonis denda total hingga puluhan miliar rupiah dan para anggota Pokja ULP diberi sanksi tidak boleh menjadi panitia lelang.
Menurut Samsul, kasus dugaan korupsi bukan termasuk delik aduan. Sehingga kejaksaan tidak perlu menunggu keputusan kasasi dari MA atau menunggu ada masyarakat yang mengadu. Kejaksaan bisa langsung melakukan penyelidikan. “Potensi dugaan korupsi lebih menonjol dalam kasus proses lelang yang tidak fair,”tandas Samsul.
Dalam proses penyelidikan kasus dugaan korupsi, lanjut Samsul, Kejaksaan juga harus menyentuh di tingkat pimpinan. Jangan hanya menyentuh bawahan. Mengingat, kinerja bawahan hampir tidak mungkin tanpa diketahui atau bukan atas perintah atasan. “Tidak perlu KPK yang turun untuk untukk melakukan pnyelidikan atau mnyidikan. Kejaksaan Kediri saya yakin mampu melakukan itu dan menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap hukum,”jelasnya.
Samsul menjelaskan, runtuhnya supremasi hukum karena lunturnya kepercayaan masyarakat pada penegak hukum. “Kalau masyarakat sudah tidak percaya lagi pada penegak hukum, lalu kepada siapa masyarakat akan percaya? Menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat sangat penting dengan menegakkan supremasi hukum,”tambahnya. (mam)
Project Leleng Case, Criminal Ootion Needs to be Investigated
Not a complaint offense, the Attorny no need to wait the Supreme Court
KEDIRI – Project auction cases within the Kediri Regency Government, including those already convicted by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), are deemed necessary to be investigated in relation to the alleged criminal charges. If the KPPU’s verdict wins the plaintiff, it means that the plaintiff’s evidence is stronger and more convincing than the defendant’s evidence. The project auction cases are still in the process of cassation in the Supreme Court by the defendant. Either in the form of state loss or benefiting yourself or others, ”said Samsul Arifin SH, chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid and Consultation Institute (LKBHI) Nusantara.
As reported by Kediripost, a number of projects with a total value of nearly Rp. 0.5 trillion in Kediri Regency were being sued by the Indonesian Commission for Conspiracy due to alleged conspiracy between the Procurement Service Unit (ULP) Pokja and its partners to win these tenders. The partners were sentenced to a total fine of up to tens of billions of rupiah and members of the ULP Pokja were sanctioned not to become the auction committee.
According to Samsul, the alleged corruption case was not a complaint offense. So that the prosecutor does not need to wait for an appeal from the Supreme Court or wait for the public to complain. The AGO can immediately conduct an investigation. “The potential for alleged corruption is more prominent in cases of an unfair auction process,” said Samsul.
In the process of investigating suspected corruption cases, continued Samsul, the Attorney General’s Office must also touch on the leadership level. Don’t just touch your subordinates. Given, the performance of subordinates is almost impossible without being known or not on the orders of superiors. “There is no need for the Corruption Eradication Commission to come down to conduct an investigation or investigate. I believe the Kediri Prosecutor’s Office is capable of doing that and maintaining public trust in the law, ”he explained.
Samsul explained that the collapse of the rule of law was due to the loss of public trust in law enforcers. “If the community no longer believes in law enforcers, then who will the people believe in? Maintaining people’s trust is very important by upholding the rule of law, ”he added. (mam)
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