Dua Camat Direkomendasi ke KASN, Satu Camat Diinvestigasi
KEDIRI – Indikasi adanya sejumlah Camat yang ‘kampanye’ atau terlibat politik praktis menjelang Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri, terus bertambah. Setelah dua direkomendasikan ke Komisi ASN (KASN) karena terindikasi kuat berpolitik praktis dengan ‘mengkampanye’kan bakal calon bupati, kini Bawaslu sedang melakukan investigasi keterlibatan camat dan sejumlah pegawainya yang juga terindikasi melakukan dukungan politik terhadap calon Bupati Kediri. “Rekomendasinya sudah kita kirimkan ke Komisi ASN,”ujar Sukari, Divisi Penindakan Bawaslu Kabupaten Kediri.
Menurut Sukari, dua camat yang sudah direkomendasikan ke Komisi ASN itu diduga memenuhi unsur-unsur pelanggaran nilai dasar, kode etik dan kode perilaku sebagaimana tersebut pada ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara. “Karena unsur-unsur dugaan pelanggarannya dinilai sudah memenuhi, maka kirim rekomendasinya ke KASN,”tandasnya.
Sementara, satu camat lagi yang sedang dalam investagi, sebelumnya sudah banyak menjadi pembicaraan masyarakat karena video dukungan ke calon bupati yang diduga dilakukan camat beserta para stafnya itu sudah banyak beredar dimedsos dan grup WA. “Itu masih investegasi. Kita belum mengetahui pastinya,”tandasnya. (mam)
Cases of Head of Subdistrict ‘Campaign’ Continue to Increase?
Two Camat were recommended to KASN, one Camat was investigated
KEDIRI – There are indications of a number of Camat “campaigning” or being involved in practical politics ahead of the Regional Head Election of Kediri Regency, continues to increase. After the two were recommended to the ASN Commission (KASN) because of strong indications of practical politics by ‘campaigning’ for a candidate for district head, now Bawaslu is investigating the involvement of the sub-district head and a number of his employees who are also indicated to have political support for the candidate for Regent of Kediri. “We have sent the recommendation to the ASN Commission,” said Sukari, the Enforcement Division of Bawaslu in Kediri Regency.
According to Sukari, the two sub-district heads who have been recommended to the ASN Commission are suspected of having fulfilled the elements of violations of basic values, code of ethics and code of conduct as stated in the provisions of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus. “Because the elements of the alleged violation are considered to have met, then send the recommendation to KASN,” he said.
Meanwhile, one more sub-district head who is currently being invested has previously been widely discussed by the public because the video of support for the regent candidate that was allegedly carried out by the sub-district head and his staff has been circulating in the social media and the WA group. “It’s still an investment. We don’t know for sure, “he said. (mam)
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