Manajemen ‘Tak Tersentuh’ Kejaksaan?
KEDIRI – Kasus kredit macet di BPR Kota Kediri, akhirnya dilimpahkan ke Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Surabaya, setelah kejaksaan menyelesaikan Berkas Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) kasus tersebut. Pada BAP yang dilimpahkan itu, para tersangkanya tetap dua orang, yaitu Indra H, Account Officer (AO) atau pemasaran dan debitur Ida Riyani. Sedangkan di pihak manajemen BPR kota, sementara masih aman, belum ada yang menjadi tersangka alias belum tersentuh.”Ya…. berkas BPR Kota sudah kita limpahkan ke pengadilan tipikor,”ujar Nur Ngali, Kasis Pidsus Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Kota Kediiri.
Seperti diberitakan, kasus kredit macet di BPR Kota Kediri, diperiksa oleh Kejari Kota Kediri, karena diduga ada permainan hingga merugikan uang negara, mengingat modal BPR Kota dari APBD. Seorang pedagang pecel di Kampung Inggris Pare, bisa mencairkan kredit hingga Rp 600 juta. Diduga, data-datanya dipalsu. Setelah kredit turun, debitur dilaporkan belum pernah mengangsur sama sekali.
Nur Ngali mengaku belum mengetahui pasti, kapan jadwal persidangan kasus ini. Sebab BAP-nya baru dilimpahkan pada Kamis (29/4/2021) lalu. Sedangkan soal kerugian Negara, berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan BPKP, nilai kerugiannya Rp 600 juta.
Saat ditanya terkait tersangka baru, Nurngali mengaku masih terbuka kemungkinan munculnya tersangka baru. Khususnya, jika nanti muncul fakta-fakta baru di persidangan. Namun berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan di kejaksaan, hanya ada 2 tersangka. (mam/wan)
BPR Case Delegated to Court
The Prosecutor’s Office ‘Untouchable’ Management?
KEDIRI – The bad credit case at the BPR in Kediri City was finally transferred to the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) in Surabaya, after the prosecutor had completed the Investigation Procedure File (BAP) of the case. At the BAP that was delegated, the suspects were still two people, namely Indra H, Account Officer (AO) or marketing and debtor Ida Riyani. Meanwhile on the management side of the city BPR, while it is still safe, no one has become a suspect or has not been touched. ”Yes…. We have submitted the City BPR files to the Corruption Court, ”said Nur Ngali, Kasis Pidsus at the Kediiri City District Attorney’s Office (Kejari).
As reported, the bad credit case at the BPR Kota Kediri was investigated by the District Prosecutor’s Office of Kediri, because it was suspected that there was a game that caused the loss of state money, given the capital of the City BPR from the APBD. A pecel trader in Kampung Inggris Pare can withdraw credit up to Rp 600 million. Allegedly, his data was faked. After the credit goes down, the debtor has reportedly never paid in installments at all.
Nur Ngali admitted that he did not know for sure when the trial schedule for this case was. Because the BAP was only delegated on last Thursday (29/4/2021). Meanwhile, regarding state losses, based on the BPKP examination, the loss was Rp. 600 million.
When asked about new suspects, Nurngali admitted that the possibility of new suspects was still open. In particular, if new facts emerge at the trial. However, based on the results of examination at the prosecutor’s office, there were only 2 suspects. (mam/wan)
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