Seluruh Kepala SKPD dan Camat Swab Massal
KEDIRI – Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, hingga Senin (16/11/20) masih ditutup untuk umum, setelah lima anggotanya dinyatakan terpapar Covid-19. Pintunya ditutup dan tidak semua orang boleh masuk. Hanya beberapa anggota DPRD yang berkepentingan yang diperkenan masuk. Beberapa agenda menerima tamu kunjungan kerja dari DPRD luar daerah, dibatalkan. Sedangkan rapat-rapat Raperda mulai Raperda RT/RW, RAPBD 2021, Lingkungan Hidup dan lain-lain, dilakukan secara vitcon. “Kegiatan- kegiatan masih berjalan, sementara rapat-rapat dilakukan secara vitcon,” ujar Ilario Mendes, Plt Sekretaris DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, ditemui di kantornya.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, lima anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri dinyatakan terpapar covid -19 setelah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke luar daerah. Diketahuinya kasus itu, bermula saat salah satu anggota dewan jatuh sakit dan dibawa ke RS. Saat pemeriksaan itu, diketahui dia terpapar covid-19, lalu seluruh anggota DPRD dilakukan swab. Hasilnya, 5 anggota DPRD dinyatakan positif. Juga seorang Camat yang kebetulan suami anggota DPRD.
Saat ditanya jadwal kunjungan kerja ke luar daerah paska kasus covid, Mendes belum bisa memastikan apakah akan tetap dilaksanakan atau tidak. Kepastian itu, masih akan menunggu dimusyawarahkan di Badan Musyawarah (Bamus). “Kita masih menunggu hasil Bamus. Nanti akan dimusyawarahkan dulu,”tandasnya.
Sementara itu, seluruh kepala SKPD di lingkungan Pemkab Kediri, juga dilakukan swab missal. Mengingat komunikasi pertemuan antar SKPD dan dewan, sebelumnya juga intensif. Apalagi, ada seorang Camat yang sudah dinyatakan positif. Sehingga seluruh Camat juga dilakukan swab.
Kepala Rumah Sakit Kabupaten Kediri (RSKK) Pare, Ibnu Gunawan, saat dikonfirmasi mengakui adanya swab massal untuk para pejabat di lingkungan Pemkab Kediri itu. Tetapi, dia belum mengetahui secara pasti bagaimana hasilnya. Dia juga belum tahu apakah sampelnya dibawa ke RSKK, Malang, atau Surabaya. “Mungkin baru nanti malam atau besok, kita akan mengetahui hasilnya,”ujar Ibnu. (mam)
DPRD office is temporarily closed
All Heads of SKPD and Head Sub District Mass Swab
KEDIRI – The Kediri Regency DPRD Office, until Monday (16/11/20) was still closed to the public, after five of its members were declared exposed to Covid-19. The doors are closed and not everyone can enter. Only a few interested DPRD members were admitted. Several agendas for receiving working visit guests from DPRD outside the region were canceled. Meanwhile, Raperda meetings starting with Raperda RT / RW, RAPBD 2021, Environment and others, are conducted in vitcon. “The activities are still ongoing, while the meetings are held in vitcon,” said Ilario Mendes, Acting Secretary of the Kediri Regency DPRD, when met at his office.
As previously reported, five members of the Kediri Regency DPRD were declared exposed to Covid -19 after making a working visit outside the region. The knowledge of the case began when one of the board members fell ill and was taken to the hospital. During the examination, it was discovered that he was exposed to Covid-19, then all members of the DPRD were swabbed. As a result, 5 DPRD members tested positive. Also a Camat who happens to be the husband of a DPRD member.
When asked about the schedule for work visits outside the region after the Covid case, Mendes could not confirm whether it would continue or not. The certainty is still waiting for the deliberation at the Deliberative Council (Bamus). “We are still waiting for the Bamus results. “We will discuss it first,” he said.
Meanwhile, all heads of SKPD in the Kediri Regency Government also conducted mass swab. Given the communication between SKPD and council meetings, previously it was also intensive. Moreover, there is a Camat who has tested positive. So that all Camat also carried out a swab.
The head of the Kediri District Hospital (RSKK) Pare, Ibnu Gunawan, when confirmed, admitted that there was a mass swab for officials in the Kediri Regency Government. However, he did not know exactly how it turned out. He don’t the sampel bringed to RSKK, Malang, or Surabaya. “Maybe tonight or tomorrow, we will know the results,” said Ibnu. (mam)
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