KEDIRI – Kasus dugaan bullying terhadap siswi SMPN 1 Kota Kediri, Kamis (12/3/2020) merupakan batas waktu jawaban atas somasi yang disampaikan penasehat hukum wali siswa, Moch. Mahbuba SH. Jika sampai Kamis tidak ada kesepakatan perdamaian di antara para pihak, sangat mungkin kasus ini akan berlanjut ke ranah hukum. Bahkan ada kemungkinan terjadi saling lapor antara pihak sekolah dengan wali siswa. “Kalau sampai Kamis tidak ada kesepakatan perdamaian, Jumat kasusnya akan kita laporkan ke Polres,”ujar Mahbuba, saat dikonfirmasi Selasa (10/3/2020).
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, salah satu siswi SMPN 1 Kota Kediri, D, diduga menjadi korban bullying oleh teman-temannya yang dipicu oleh ‘informasi’ dari pihak sekolah hingga siswi itu hingga siswi itu mengalami depresi. Sebenarnya, sebelumnya mereka diinformasikan sudah pernah saling memaafkan, tapi tiba-tiba masalah itu muncul kembali.
Menurut Mahbuba, sudah ada orang yang berusaha melakukan pendekatan dengan keluarga korban. Tetapi yang melakukan bukan pihak sekolah. Sehingga belum ada tindaklanjut dari kasus ini. “Kalau memang ada maksud baik untuk menyelesaikan secara damai, mestinya pihak sekolah yang datang, bukan wali siswa yang lain,”ujar Mahbuba.
Mahbuba mengaku pihaknya masih menunggu sampai Kamis untuk menentukan langkah selanjutnya, apakah akan damai atau akan diteruskan ke laporan polisi. (mam)
Thursday Deadline Bullying, Will Each Other Report?
KEDIRI – The case of alleged bullying of a student at SMPN 1 Kediri City, Thursday (03/12/2020) was the deadline for the response to the summons delivered by the guardian’s legal advisor, Moch. Mahbuba SH. If until Thursday there is no peace agreement between the parties, it is very likely this case will continue into the realm of law. There is even the possibility of a mutual report between the school and the guardians of students. “If until Thursday there is no peace agreement, Friday we will report the case to the police station,” said Mahbuba, when confirmed on Tuesday (10/3/2020).
As previously reported, one of the students of SMPN 1 Kota Kediri, D, was suspected to be a victim of bullying by her friends, triggered by ‘information’ from the school to the girl until she was depressed. Actually, they were previously informed that they had forgiven each other, but suddenly the problem reappeared.
According to Mahbuba, there were already people who tried to approach the victims’ families. But those who did not did the school. So there is no follow up from this case. “If there really is a good intention to resolve peacefully, the school should come, not the guardians of other students,” Mahbuba said.
Mahbuba admitted that his side was still waiting until Thursday to determine the next step, whether it would be peaceful or it would be forwarded to the police report. (mam)
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