Kabar Rekom ke Dhito, Gerindra Bingung

KEDIRI – Kabar yang beredar bahwa rekom calon Bupati Kediri dari Partai Gerindra jatuh ke Hanindhito Himawan Pramana, tampaknya benar-benar membuat bingung DPC Partai Gerindra Kabupaten Kediri. “Saya masih bingung mas, ini sebenarnya rekom benar-benar ke Dhito akan ke orang lain. Saya belum menerima rekomnya. Ketua DPW saya konfirmasi juga belum terima,”ujar Arif Junaidi, ketua DPC Partai Gerindra Kabupaten Kediri, ditemui di kantornya.

MASIH BINGUNG : Arif Junaidi, ketua DPC Partai Gerindra Kabupaten Kediri

Seperti diberitakan, beredar kabar yang santer rekom Gerindra diserahkan ke Dhito. Sehingga secara praktis sudah tidak memungkinkan koalisi partai lain yang belum memberikan rekom, mengusung calon lain, sehingga pada Pilkada 9 Desember 2020 mendatang hanya ada satu pasangan calon atau calon tunggal.

Menurut Arif, tiga kali dia melakukan proses pengajuan rekom ke DPP terkait pencalonan Bupati Kediri, tidak pernah mengalami hal seperti sekarang. Apalagi dia mendapat info pertama terkait kabar rekom itu dari partai lain. “Jadi saya sekitar jam tiga pagi mendapat info foto Dhito menerima map dari Sekjen Ahmad Muzani, saya langsung konfirmasi ke DPW, saat itu ketua DPW juga belum tahu. Sekarang saya hanya disuruh menunggu sampai rekom datang,”tandas Arif.

Arif mengaku pihaknya tetap akan tunduk pada DPP jika rekom benar-benar secara resmi diberikan ke Dhito. Dia masih belum berani member tanggapan macam-macam sebelum semuanya clear, fisik rekom diterima, dan dia membaca sendiri rekom itu. “Sekarang lebih baik diam. Menunggu rekom kita terima. Nanti pasti saya kabari,”tambahnya.

Arif juga mengakui bahwa pada surat pengajuan rekom yang diajukan ke DPW dan DPP tidak ada nama Dhito. Karena Dhito memang tidak mendaftarkan diri di DPC Kabupaten Kediri saat pendaftaran penjaringan dulu. (mam)

News Reports Recomendation to Dhito, Gerindra Confused

KEDIRI – The news circulating that the record of the candidate for the Regent of Kediri from the Gerindra Party fell to Hanindhito Himawan Pramana, apparently really confusing the DPC of the Gerindra Party in the Kediri Regency. “I’m still confused sir, this is actually a record actually to Dhito going to someone else. I have not received the record. I confirmed the Chairman of the Regional Representatives Council (DPW), I haven’t received it yet, “said Arif Junaidi, chairman of the DPC of the Gerindra Party in the Kediri Regency, met at his office.
As reported, news circulated that the Gerindra record was handed over to Dhito. So that practically it is not possible for coalitions of other parties that have not provided a record, carrying other candidates, so that in the upcoming 9 December 2020 elections there is only one pair of candidates or a single candidate.
According to Arif, three times he made the process of submitting a report to the DPP related to the nomination of the Regent of Kediri, having never experienced anything like this. Moreover, he got the first information related to the news from the other party. “So, at about three o’clock in the morning, I got photos of Dhito receiving a map from the Secretary General Ahmad Muzani, I immediately confirmed to the DPW, at that time the chairman of the DPW also did not know yet. Now I am only told to wait until the records come, “said Arif.
Arif admitted that his party would still submit to the DPP if the record was actually officially given to Dhito. He still didn’t dare to give any kind of response before everything was clear, the physical records were accepted, and he read the records himself. “Now it’s better to be quiet. Waiting for the record we receive. Later I will let you know, “he added.
Arif also acknowledged that there was no Dhito in the letter of application submitted to the DPW and DPP. Because Dhito did not register at the DPC of the Kediri Regency during the registration process. (mam)
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