KEDIRI – Menjelang Idul Fitri yang bersamaan dengan munculnya wabah Covid-19, petugas gabungan Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan dan Satpol PP Kabupaten Kediri menggelar razia terhadap anak jalanan, gelandangan dan pengemis di sejumlah titik perempatan jalan. Razia ini sekaligus untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus corona melalui kelompok risiko tinggi, (4/5).
Petugas menyisir jalan utama Kediri menuju Surabaya, mulai Kecamatan Gampengrejo hingga Papar. Dalam razia ini petugas berhasil menciduk seorang pengamen di simpang empat Papar.
Setelah diminta menunjukkan kartu identitas, pengamen remaja ini kemudian diperiksa kesehatannya melalui pengecekan suhu tubuh dan disemprot cairan desinfektan, lalu digiring ke mobil patroli petugas.
Plt. Kepala Dinsos Kabupaten Kediri, Suharsono, mengatakan,razia gabungan ini dalam rangka memutus penyebaran virus corona melalui kelompok risiko tinggi. Karena anak jalanan, gelandangan maupun pengemis kerap bersinggungan dengan banyak orang tanpa memakai pelindung diri.
“Mereka yang terjaring razia dilakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah masing-masing. Sementara itu bila ditemukan anjal dan pengemis dari luar Kabupaten Kediri akan dibawa petugas ke selter rumah singgah di Kecamatan Grogol untuk menjalani observasi,” jelasnya.
Dalam razia ini petugas hanya mengamankan satu pengamen beserta dua buah alat musik kentrung. Sebab kebanyakan pengamen dan anjal terlebih dahulu kabur saat didatangi petugas. Razia serupa akan terus digelar dengan sasaran dan waktu yang masih dirahasiakan. (mam)
Ahead of Eid al-Fitr, Anjal and Flat Dirazia
KEDIRI – Towards Eid al-Fitr which coincided with the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak, a joint officer of the Social Service, Health Office and Satpol PP District of Kediri held a raid on street children, homeless people and beggars at a number of crossroad points. This raid is also to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus through high risk groups, (4/5).
Officers combed the main road from Kediri to Surabaya, from Gampengrejo District to Papar. In this raid the officer managed to catch a busker at the Papar intersection.
After being asked to show an identity card, the teenage busker was then examined for his health through body temperature checks and sprayed with disinfectant liquid, then escorted to the patrol car of the officer.
Plt. Head of Social Affairs of Kediri Regency, Suharsono, said that the joint raid was in order to break the spread of the corona virus through high risk groups. Because street children, homeless people and beggars often intersect with many people without wearing personal protection.
“Those who were netted by the raids carried out independent isolation in their respective homes. Meanwhile, if found dead and beggars from outside the District of Kediri will be taken by officers to shelter shelter in Grogol District to undergo observation, “he explained.
In this raid the officers only secured one busker along with two musical instruments. Because most street musicians and street children run away when visited by officers. Similar raids will continue to be held with targets and time still kept secret. (mam)
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