KEDIRI – Para pengguna kendaraan sepeda onthel di Kota Kediri, harus gigit jari, khususnya saat melintas di Jl. Hasanudin, kawasan Hypermart atau Matahari Mall. Sebab, jalur sepedanya tidak bisa mereka lalui, dipenuhi dengan parkir mobil. Tanda jalur sepeda yang digaris oleh Dinas Perhubungan Pemkot Kediri, sama sekali tidak berguna. Tapi dari Dinas Perhubungan maupun kepolisian seakan tidak pernah menertibkan. Ada apa?
Kondisi penuh parkir itu, juga menyebabkan seringnya terjadi kemacetan di jalur tersebut. Mengingat jalur itu merupakan salah satu jalur utama lalu lintas, jalan provinsi yang menghubungkan Kediri – Tulungagung-Blitar-Pare. Sehingga truk besar dan bus melalui jalur Jl. Hasanudin. Apalagi, di dekat lokasi itu ada traffic light dan jalur kereta api.
Maryanto, salah seorang tukang parkir di lokasi itu, mengakui parkir di Jl. Hasanudin dekat Hypermart itu sudah lama berjalan, sejak Hypermart berdiri sekitar 10 tahun lalu. “Mestinya kira-kira legal mas, wong tidak pernah ada masalah, tidak pernah ditertibkan,”katanya.
Polsek Kota sendiri, saat dikonfirmasi masalah parkir di kawasan Hypermart mengaku masalah itu bukan kewenangan polisi. Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kota Kediri, Ferry Jatmiko mengatakan pihaknya sebenarnya sudah berkali-kali melakukan penertiban, tapi terus kembali. ”Memang repot orang-orang di sekitar sana banyak yang tidak bekerja, lalu mereka bekerja sebagai tukang parkir,”katanya.
Menurut Ferry, mestinya pihak Matahari menyediakan parkir di bagian dalam. Memang sudah ada, tapi tidak mencukupi. Setiap kali diajak komunikasi, alasannya masalah itu kewenangan pusat. Pihak Matahari sebenarnya juga bisa berkomunikasi dengan pengelola titik nol misalnya yang areanya masih luas, tapi tampaknya juga belum ada komunikasi di antara mereka. “Mungkin tahun depan kita upayakan penataan lagi,”jelas Ferry.
Berapa pemasukan APBD per tahun dari parkir di Jl. Hasanudin itu? Ferry menjelaskan tidak ada masukan sama sekali, karena lokasi itu termasuk parkir liar. (id/mam)
‘Deprived’ Bicycle Lane Parking
KEDIRI – The users of bicycle vehicles in Kediri, have to bite their fingers, especially when passing on Jl. Hasanudin, the Hypermart area or Matahari Mall. Because, the bike path they could not go through, was filled with car parking. The bicycle lane marking that was outlined by the Transportation Agency of the City Government of Kediri was completely useless. But from the Transportation Department and the police, it seems that they have never disciplined them. What is wrong?
The full parking condition also causes frequent traffic jams in the lane. Considering that line is one of the main traffic lanes, the provincial road that connects Kediri – Tulungagung-Blitar-Pare. So that big trucks and buses go through Jl. Hasanudin. Moreover, near that location there are traffic lights and railroad lines.
Maryanto, a parking attendant at that location, admitted parking on Jl. Hasanudin near Hypermart has been running for a long time, since Hypermart was established about 10 years ago. “It should be roughly legal, there has never been a problem, it has never been disciplined,” he said.
City Police itself, when confirmed the problem of parking in the Hypermart area claimed the problem was not under the authority of the police. Meanwhile, the Head of the Kediri City Transportation Department, Ferry Jatmiko said that his party had actually carried out the control several times, but continued to return. “Indeed, there are many people around who don’t work, so they work as parking attendants,” he said.
According to Ferry, Matahari should provide parking on the inside. It’s already there, but it’s not enough. Every time a communication is invited, the reason for the problem is the central authority. The Sun actually can also communicate with the zero-point manager, for example, where the area is still large, but apparently there is also no communication between them. “Maybe next year we will try to arrange it again,” Ferry explained.
How much is the annual budget income from parking on Jl. Hasanudin is that? Ferry explained there was no input at all, because the location included illegal parking. (id / mam)
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