KEDIRI – Menguatnya isu rekom calon tunggal Bupati Kediri, tunggal yang akan diberikan kepada Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, mulai mendapatkan respon masyarakat. Sejumlah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) yang tergabuang dalam ‘Aliansi Penegak Demokrasi Kediri Jayati’ kemarin menggelar aksi keprihatinan terkait isu rencana pemberian rekom ke Dhito dan calon tunggal Bupati Kediri, yang digelar di Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Katang, Kediri.
Dalam aksi keprihatinan tanpa orasi itu, mereka membawa sejumlah poster yang berisi kecaman terhadap partai-partai yang berencana memberikan rekom calon bupati hanya kepada Dhito. Mereka menilai, partai-partai sebagai pengkhianat demokrasi. Sebab, Dhito tidak pernah mendaftarkan diri sebagai bakal calon Bupati Kediri ke partai mana pun. Sedangkan kandidat bakal calon Bupati Kediri yang mendaftar ke partai-partai, justru tidak mendapatkan rekom.
Sejumlah poster bernada protes itu antara lain berbunyi ‘ Parpol2 jangan jadi pengkhianat demokrasi’ ‘Gagalkan calon tunggal, rakyat Kediri melawan’ ‘Megawati konsistenlah dengan ucapanmu, Kab. Kediri menggugat omonganmu soal demokrasi’ ‘Kabupaten Kediri darurat demokrasi, gagalkan skenario calon tunggal’ ‘Kabupaten Kediri tidak takut dukungan istana, calon tunggal lawan’
Khoirul Anam, juru bicara aksi menjelaskan mereka tidak peduli dengan siapa calon bupati yang akan direkom oleh partai-partai, yang penting salah satu di antara para pendaftar, bukan orang yang tidak mendaftar ke partai. “Kalau itu yang terjadi, berarti pengkibiran terhadap masyarakat Kediri. Masyarakat Kediri hanya dijadikan mainan,”ujarnya.
Menurut Khoirul Anam, yang juga mantan komandan posko Bima Sakti Promeg Kediri, skenario calon tunggal Bupati Kediri merupakan seakan-akan masyarakat Kabupaten Kediri bodoh-bodoh dan mudah dibodohi. Sebab, tidak memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat untuk memilih calon pemimpin yang diinginkan. “Kita akan terus melawan jika calon tunggal itu benar-benar terjadi,”tandasnya. (mam)
Issue of Dhito’s Account, Citizens Rejected
KEDIRI – The strengthening of the issue of a single candidate candidate for the Kediri Regent, the one to be given to Hanindhito Himawan Pramana alias Dhito, began to get a response from the public. A number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that were incorporated in the ‘Kediri Jayati Democracy Enforcement Alliance’ yesterday held a protest action regarding the issue of the plan to provide a record to Dhito and the sole candidate for the Regent of Kediri, which was held on Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Katang, Kediri.
In the act of concern without an oration, they brought a number of posters which contained criticism of the parties who planned to give the regent’s recommendation only to Dhito. They considered parties as traitors to democracy. Because, Dhito never registered himself as a candidate for the Regent of Kediri to any party. Whereas the candidates for the Kediri Regent candidates who registered with the parties, actually did not get any records.
A number of protesting posters, among others, reads “Political Parties do not become traitors to democracy” ‘‘ Fail for a single candidate, the people of Kediri to resist ’‘ Megawati is consistent with what you say, Kab. Kediri sues your talk about democracy ’‘ District of Kediri democracy emergency, fails the scenario of a single candidate ’‘ Kediri Regency is not afraid of court support, single candidate opponent ’
Khoirul Anam, the spokesperson for the action, explained that they did not care about who would be nominated by the parties, as long as they were one of the registrants, not those who did not register with the party. “If that is the case, it means the dismissal of the people of Kediri. The people of Kediri are only used as toys, “he said.
According to Khoirul Anam, who is also a former commander of the Milky Way Promeg Kediri, the scenario of a single candidate for the Regent of Kediri is as if the people of Kediri Regency are stupid and easily fooled. Because, it does not provide an opportunity for the community to choose the desired leader candidate. “We will continue to fight if a single candidate really happens,” he said. (mam)
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