Isu ‘Koalisi Istana’ Munculkan Calon Tunggal ?


DODIK PURWANTO : Sekretaris DPC PDIP Kabupaten Kediri

KEDIRI – Menjelang masa-masa turunnya rekomendasi pasangan calon Bupati / Wakil Bupati Kediri, isu ‘Koalisi Istana’ mulai menyeruak ke permukaan. Isu yang berkembang, PDIP berusaha merangkul seluruh partai koalisi istana atau yang sudah bergabung di kabinet Jokowi, untuk bergabung bersama koalisi yang dibangun PDIP. Situasi ini, karena adanya lobi di DPP yang bisa membuyarkan rancangan koalisi yang dibangun di Kediri. Jika koalisi istana benar-benar terjadi, maka akan muncul calon tunggal, karena yang tersisa adalah Partai Demokrat yang memiliki 3 kursi dan PKS 1 kursi, total 4 kursi di DPRD Kabupaten Kediri. Tidak cukup untuk membawa calon sendiri, karena dibutuhkan minimal 10 kursi.

Sekretaris DPC PDIP Dodik Purwanto saat ditanya kemungkinan terjadinya koalisi besar sebagaimana koalisi istana presiden di Kediri, tidak menjawab secara tegas. Meski demikian, Dodik mengakui pihaknya sedang melakukan komunikasi politik dengan seluruh partai yang ada. “Kita akan berkomunikasi dengan seluruh parpol yang ada di Kabupaten Kediri, dengan harapan untuk ikut serta mendukung Mas Dito,”ujar Dodik.

Saat ditanya soal isu PDIP akan menggandengkan Dito dengan ketua Muslimat Mudawamah? Dodik juga tidak menampik. Hanya saja, soal pasangan dan koalisi itu masih dalam proses pembicaraan. “Musti ada pembicaraan lintas parpol pendukung,”tegas Dodik.

Sedangkan soal partai mana saja yang sudah clear mendukung, Dodik tidak mau menyebutkan. Pihaknya masih menunggu surat resmi dukungan itu.  “Kita tunggu saja hitam di atas putihnya,”katanya.

Dodik juga tidak menampik munculnya nama Mudawamah, ketua Muslimat NU Kabupaten Kediri sebagai salah satu kandidat calon wakil bupati yang akan dipasangkan dengan Dito. Hanya saja, semuanya masih dalam wacana dan masih dalam pembahasan. “Ya… nama itu muncul juga,”jelas Dodik.

Sementara itu, Ketua DPC PPP Kabupaten Kediri Taufik Chafivudin juga tidak menampik kemungkinan adanya isu koalisi istana itu. Karena seluruh partai yang merekomendasikan adalah DPP. “PPP sendiri dalam proses menunggu keputusan DPP. Apapun keputusannya, kita ikuti karena yang berhak menentukan itu DPP,”kata Taufik.

Sedangkan ketua DPC Partai Gerindra Arif Junaidi saat dikonfirmasi mengaku dia belum mendapatkan instruksi dari DPP soal koalisi. Sehingga dia masih terus menjalankan mekanisme partai. “Kita sendiri hanya lima kursi, harus koalisi,”kata Arif.

Menurut Arif, dia mendeadline tiga kandidat calon yang sudah mengikuti uji publik di Partainya, yaitu Supadi, Mujahid, dan Masykuri untuk memberikan bukti dukungan sementara dari partai lain agar bisa mengusung calon. Karena sampai sekarang mereka belum bisa menunjukkan itu.  “Saya minta waktu sampai tanggal 23 Februari. Kalau tidak, kita akan melakukan opsi lain, mungkin akan buka pendaftaran baru atau diserahkan ke DPP,”tandas Arif. (mam)

The ‘Palace Coalition’ issue raises a single candidate?

KEDIRI – Towards the recession of the candidate pairs of candidates for Regent / Deputy Regent of Kediri, the issue of the ‘Palace Coalition’ began to surface. A growing issue is that the PDIP is trying to reach out to all of the palace coalition parties or those who have joined Jokowi’s cabinet to join the coalition established by the PDIP. This situation is due to the lobbying in the DPP which could break the coalition design that was built in Kediri. If the palace coalition really happens, then a single candidate will emerge, because what remains is the Democratic Party which has 3 seats and PKS 1 seat, a total of 4 seats in the Kediri Regency DPRD. Not enough to bring candidates themselves, because it takes a minimum of 10 seats.
DPC PDIP Secretary Dodik Purwanto when asked about the possibility of a large coalition as the presidential palace coalition in Kediri, did not respond firmly. Nevertheless, Dodik admitted that his party was conducting political communication with all parties. “We will communicate with all political parties in Kediri Regency, hoping to participate in supporting Mas Dito,” Dodik said.
When asked about the PDI-P issue, will he hold Dito with the head of Muslimat Mudawamah? Dodik also did not dismiss. It’s just that the matter of the couple and the coalition is still in the process of being discussed. “There must be talks between supporting political parties,” said Dodik.
While the question of which parties have clearly supported, Dodik did not want to mention. It is still waiting for the official letter of support. “Let’s wait for black and white,” he said.
Dodik also did not dismiss the emergence of the name Mudawamah, the head of the NU Muslimat Kediri Regency as one of the candidates for the vice-regent candidate to be paired with Dito. However, everything is still in the discourse and is still under discussion. “Yes … the name also appears,” Dodik explained.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Kediri PPP DPC PPP Taufik Chafivudin also did not dismiss the possibility of the palace coalition issue. Because all parties that recommend are DPP. “PPP itself is in the process of waiting for the DPP’s decision. Whatever the decision, we follow because the one who has the right to determine is the DPP, “said Taufik.
While Gerindra Party DPC chairman Arif Junaidi when confirmed claimed he had not received instructions from the DPP about the coalition. So he still continues to run the party mechanism. “We have only five seats, we have to coalition,” Arif said.
According to Arif, he listed three candidates who had participated in a public trial in his Party, namely Supadi, Mujahid, and Masykuri to provide evidence of temporary support from other parties in order to be able to carry the candidates. Because until now they have not been able to show it. “I ask for time until February 23. If not, we will make other options, maybe we will open a new registration or submit it to the DPP, “said Arif.
If Ko (mam)

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