Ho Tertular Saat Berobat di RS?

SEGERA HUBUNGI CALL CENTRE : Nomor call centre Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri

KEDIRI- Teka-teki tentang terinveksinya Ho, 58, warga Desa Toyoresmi, Kec. Ngasem yang dinyatakan positif Covid-19 oleh Gugus Tugas Kabupaten Kediri, masih belum ada kejelasan. Isu yang beredar di masyarakat, ada kemungkinan bahwa Ho tertular justru saat dia berobat ke salah satu dokter di rumah sakit, terkait penyakit yang dideritanya, diabetes. “Dia kan memang sering sakit. Katanya terasa justru setelah berobat penyakitnya,”ujar salah seorang warga Toyoresmi, Kec. Ngasem.

Dalam press release yang dikirimkan ke sejumlah awak media, Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri menyebutkan salah satu warga Desa Toyoresmi, Kec. Ngasem, dinyatakan positif. Dia merupakan klaster baru, yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan klaster petugas haji maupun klaster lain. Ho merupakan pasien positif ke-12 di Kabupaten Kediri.

Gugus tugas langsung melakukan screening dengan melakukan tes SWAB kepada 23 OTG (Orang Tanpa Gejala) di Puskesmas Ngasem, yaitu orang yang tidak memiliki gejala Covid-19, namun memiliki kontak erat dengan kasus konfirmasi Covid-19. “Hasil tes dapat diketahui dalam jangka waktu 4-5 hari ke depan,”ujar dr. Ahmad Chotib, Juru bicara Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanangan Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri.

Saat ditanya terkait isu yang berkembang di masyarakat, bahwa ada kemungkinan Ho, pensiunan Dinas Pertanian dan Perikanan Kota Kediri itu terpapar justru saat dia berobat di salah satu rumah sakit? Chotib tidak mau berspekulasi.  “Kita percayakan pada yang bertugas melakukan tracing. Segala kemungkin bisa terjadi di situasi ini,”jelasnya. (mam)

Ho Is Infected When Treatment at the Hospital?

KEDIRI- Riddle about being inspected Ho, 58, resident of Toyoresmi Village, Kec. Ngasem, which was stated positive by Covid-19 by the Kediri District Task Force, is still unclear. Issues circulating in the community, there is a possibility that Ho was infected precisely when he went to a doctor at the hospital, related to his illness, diabetes. “He does indeed often get sick. He said it felt just after treatment for his illness, “said one resident of Toyoresmi, Kec. Ngasem.
In a press release sent to a number of media crews, the Covid-19 Task Force in Kediri District mentioned one resident of Toyoresmi Village, Kec. Ngasem, stated positive. He is a new cluster, which has nothing to do with the pilgrimage cluster or other clusters. Ho is the 12th positive patient in Kediri Regency.
The task force directly screened by conducting a SWAB test to 23 OTG (People without Symptoms) at the Ngasem Health Center, ie people who did not have Covid-19 symptoms, but had close contact with the Covid-19 confirmation case. “The test results can be known within the next 4-5 days,” said Dr. Ahmad Chotib, Spokesperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Kediri Regency.
When asked about the issue that developed in the community, that there was a possibility that Ho, the retired Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of the City of Kediri was exposed precisely when he was treated at one of the hospitals? Chotib doesn’t want to speculate. “We entrust the person in charge of tracing. Everything is possible in this situation, “he explained. (mam)

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