Hibah Rp 150 Juta, Dipotong Rp 25 Juta?

Menelisik Bantuan Hibah / Bansos / Jasmas, di Kota Kediri (1)

Kasus dugaan korupsi terkait bantuan sosial yang disidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan melibatkan mantan Mentri Sosial masih terus bergulir. Bagaimana pelaksanaan pemberian hibah, bansos, dan atau bantuan melalui Jaring Aspirasi Masyarakat (Jasmas) di daerah? Baik ke individu atau lembaga? Berikut sebagian fakta dan pengakuan yang ditemukan kediripost.co.id di lapangan. (*)

Menelusuri Kelompok Masyarakat (Pokmas) Darmo Budoyo, di Kelurahan Dermo, Kecamatan Mojoroto, salah satu penerima hibah Rp 150 juta dari Pemkot Kediri, melalui Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda, dan Olahraga ( Disbudparpora) tahun 2019, membutuhkan waktu berhari-hari. Mendengar nama Darmo Budoyo, sejumlah orang di Kelurahan Dermo langsung merujuk ke kelompok Jaranan di Dermo, pimpinan DJuki Santoso.

RESMI, BELUM DAPAT BANTUAN : Nomor Induk kelompok seni jaranan ‘WAHYU DHARMO PUTRO’

Namun, ketika Djuki ditemui di rumahnya, dia justru kaget. Karena sedengar dia, kelompok seni jaranan di bawah pimpinannya, merupakan satu-satunya kelompok seni jaranan di Kelurahan Dermo bernama ‘Wahyu Dharmo Putro’ yang sudah diakui dan memiliki nomor induk dari Pemkot Kediri. “Saya tidak tahu. Kalau kami belum pernah mendapat bantuan,”ujar Djuki, saat ditanya keberadaan Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, sambil menunjukkan kartu nomor induk yang dimiliki kelompok seni jaranannya.

BELUM PERNAH DIPAKAI : Alat karawitan lengkap milik Pokmas Dharmo Budoyo

Setelah beberapa hari, baru ditemukan bahwa ‘Darmo Budoyo’ adalah kelompok seni Karawitan di Jl. Merbabu, pimpinan Sarju, yang juga ketua RW 1, Kelurahan Dermo. Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, baru didirikan pada saat mendengar kabar akan ada bantuan hibah Rp 150 juta, dibentuk mendadak, dan belum ada satupun seniman karawitan di sana. Sehingga, hingga kini, meski sudah 1 tahun lebih alat-alat kesenian hasil hibah itu ada, belum pernah sekalipun untuk latihan. Hal serupa, juga diakui ketua RT 9 / RW 1, Yaman.  

Sarju, ketua Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, saat ditemui mengakui mendapat bantuan Rp 150 juta. Saat itu dipotong 17 persen atau jika dihitung sekitar Rp 25 juta, dengan alasan untuk pajak. Setelah itu, dia dan teman-temannya membelanjakan uang itu untuk alat seni karawitan. “Belinya di Nganjuk,”kata Sarju.

Saat ditanya apakah dia mendapatkan bukti bayar pajak yang katanya akan disetorkan oleh Disbudparpora? Misalnya kwitansi atau bukti SPT? Sarju mengaku hingga sekarang belum menerima bukti bayar pajak itu. “Belum,”katanya. (bersambung)


Examining Grants / Bansos / Jasmas, in the City of Kediri (1)

IDR 150 million in grant, Cuted 25 Million?

The alleged corruption case related to social assistance that is being investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and involving the former Minister of Social Affairs is still ongoing. How is the implementation of grants, social assistance, and / or assistance through Community Aspirations Network (Jasmas) in the regions? Whether to individuals or institutions? The following are some of the facts and confessions that kediripost.co.id found in the field. (*)

Tracing the Darmo Budoyo Community Group (Pokmas), in Dermo Village, Mojoroto District, one of the recipients of a IDR 150 million grant from the Kediri City Government, through the 2019 Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency (Disbudparpora), took days. Hearing the name Darmo Budoyo, a number of people in Dermo Village immediately referred to the Jaranan group in Dermo, the leader of DJuki Santoso.
However, when he met Djuki at his house, he was surprised. Because as heard to him, the Jaranan art group under his leadership is the only jaranan art group in Dermo Village called ‘Wahyu Dharmo Putro’ which has been recognized and has a registration number from the Kediri City Government. “I do not know. We have never received any assistance, ”said Djuki, when asked about the existence of Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, while showing his ID card number owned by his finger arts group.
After a few days, it was discovered that “Darmo Budoyo” is a Karawitan art group on Jl. Merbabu, leader of Sarju, who is also the chairman of RW 1, Kelurahan Dermo. Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, which was only established when they heard the news that there would be a grant of Rp. 150 million, was formed suddenly, and there were not any musical artists there yet. So, even though it has been more than 1 year the art tools produced by the grant have been available, there has never been one for training. The same thing was also admitted by the chairman of RT 9 / RW 1, Yaman.
When met, Sarju, the head of Pokmas Darmo Budoyo, admitted that he received Rp 150 million in assistance. At that time, 17 percent was deducted or if it was calculated around Rp. 25 million, on the grounds of taxes. After that, he and his friends spent the money on musical instruments. “Buy it in Nganjuk,” said Sarju.
When asked if he got proof of paying taxes which he said would be deposited by Disbudparpora? For example, a receipt or proof of SPT? Sarju admits that until now she has not received the proof of paying the tax. “Not yet,” he said.
. (continued)

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