Ada RT yang Prodamas-nya Rp 220 Juta + Hibah Ketua RT Rp 159 Juta
KEDIRI – Hibah untuk para ketua RT di Kota Kediri, tampaknya makin ‘gelap’. Kepala Bidang Anggaran, Akuntansi, dan Verifikasi, BPPKA Kota Kediri, Nurhayati, didampingi Kabag Humas Pemkot Kediri, Apip Permana saat dikonfirmasi keterangannya masih banyak yang kurang tegas. Dilihat dari data-data yang ada, juga kurang klop.
Dia menjelaskan, hibah kepada para ketua RT itu merupakan usulan saat rapat Prodamas. “Mungkin mereka akan membuat balai RW misalnya, dananya digotong bersama oleh RT-RT yang ada, diambilkan dari dana Prodamas masing-masing,”katanya.
Apakah itu berarti dana Prodamas masing-masing RT yang hingga Rp 100 juta itu, lalu dikurangi untuk dikumpulkan menjadi dana hibah ke ketua RT begitu? “Ya mungkin begitu. Itu berdasarkan usulan dari bawah,”tegas Nurhayati.
Kalau demikian, mengapa penerima hibah itu semua ketua RT, bukan salah satu ketua RT di satu RW? Atau dikumpulkan ke anggaran satu RT di satu RW? “Karena hibah, lalu dijatuhkan atasnama ketua RT,”tandasnya.
Namun, ketika dilihat berdasarkan data-data Prodamas masing-masing RT yang ada di Kelurahan, ternyata dana Prodamas sama sekali tidak berubah, tetap di kisaran hingga Rp 100 juta. Mayoritas masing-masing RT untuk Prodamas di kisaran Rp 85 juta sampai Rp 100 juta. Tidak ada tanda-tanda pengurangan dana untuk kegiatan bersama.
Kejanggalannya :
- Semua ketua RT mendapatkan hibah.
- Para ketua RT merasa tidak pernah mengajukan dana hibah.
- Banyak RW yang mengaku tidak ada program bersama antar RT.
- Jika ditotal antara penerimaan dana Prodamas ke RT dan dana hibah ke masing-masing ketua RT, nilainya mayoritas jauh melampaui nilai Rp 100 juta.
- Ada RT yang nilai total penerimaan Prodamas ke RT dan hibah ke ketua RT mencapai Rp 379 juta, yaitu di RT 12/III Kelurahan Pakelan. Prodamas dianggarkan Rp 220 juta dan hibah ke ketua RT senilai Rp 159 juta.
Sementara itu, Ketua Partai Demokrat Kota Kediri, Djaka Siswa Lelana, mengaku pihaknya sudah mempertanyakan masalah hibah ke para ketua RT tersebut saat Pandangan Umum (PU) fraksi-fraksi di DPRD. “Pemberian dana hibah ke perseorangan itu dasarnya apa? Itu harus jelas. Hibah ke para ketua RT ini memang janggal,”katanya. (mam)
Grants to Head of RT Are Still Mystery
There is an RT whose Prodamas are Rp 220 Million + Head Grant RT Rp 159 Million
KEDIRI – Grants for RT heads in Kediri City, seem to be increasingly ‘dark’. Head of Budget, Accounting and Verification, BPPKA of Kediri City, Nurhayati, accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of Kediri City Government, Apip Permana when confirmed, there were still many statements that were less clear. Judging from the existing data, it is also not suitable enough.
He explained that the grant to the RT heads was a proposal during the Prodamas meeting. “Maybe they will make a RW hall for example, the funds are carried together by the existing RTs, taken from their respective Prodamas funds,” he said.
Does that mean that the Prodamas funds for each RT up to Rp 100 million are reduced to be collected as a grant to the head of the RT? “Yes, maybe so. That is based on a proposal from below, “said Nurhayati.
If so, why are all the RT recipients, not one RT chairman, in one RW? Or collected into one RT budget in one RW? “Because of a grant, it was dropped on the name of the head of the RT,” he said.
However, when viewed based on Prodamas data of each RT in the Kelurahan, it turns out that the Prodamas funds have not changed at all, still in the range of up to Rp 100 million. The majority of each RT for Prodamas in the range of Rp 85 million to Rp 100 million. There are no signs of reducing funds for joint activities.
The irregularities:
1. All RT heads receive grants.
2. The RT heads felt they had never applied for grants.
3. Many RWs claim there is no joint program between RTs.
4. If the total between Prodamas funds received to the RT and grant funds to each RT head, the majority of the value far exceeds the value of Rp 100 million.
5. There are RTs whose total value of Prodamas receipts to RTs and grants to RT heads reaches Rp 379 million, namely in RT 12 / III of Pakelan Village. Prodamas is budgeted Rp 220 million and a grant to the head of the RT is Rp 159 million.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Kediri City, Djaka Siswa Lelana, admitted that he had questioned the issue of grants to the heads of the RT during the Public View (PU) of the factions in the DPRD. “What is the basis for giving grants to individuals? It must be clear. The grants to the heads of these RTs are indeed strange, “he said. (mam)
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