KEDIRI – Gugatan perdata kasus Perkumpulan Sinoman Dana Pangrukti Kediri, di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kota Kediri, kemarin mulai memasuki pemeriksaan saksi-saksi dan pembuktian. Sejumlah pengurus Dana Pangrukti seperti Edi Laksmana dan Kristianto Gunadi, ikut hadir dalam sidang untuk menyaksikan jalannya persidangan tersebut.
Pada sidang lanjutan yang digelar Rabu (29/4/2020) kemarin penasehat hukum penggugat, Samsul Arifin dan Wijono S.H, menghadirkan dua saksi yaitu Hariyanto dan Bambang Giantoro. Sedangkan para tergugat, yaitu pengurus Dana Pangrukti didampingi penasehat hukum Edy Suwito S.H.
Di depan majelis hakim, Hariyanto menjelaskan kronologi masalah mulai rapat anggota, terpilihnya formatur hingga terpilihnya pengurus Dana Pangrukti, di tengah perjalanan ketua terpilih Paulus Bingadiputra mengundurkan diri, hingga kemudian mereka mengangkat Edi Laksmana menjadi ketua. “Dalam Anggaran Dasar, pengurus itu diangkat oleh ketua. Seharusnya, ketika ketua mengundurkan diri, maka dikembalikan ke formatur atau rapat anggota lagi untuk memilih ketua. Bukan pengurus mengangkat ketua. Itu tidak sah,”jelas Hariyanto, sambil menunjukkan AD/ART yang menjelakan itu.
Hariyanto menjelaskan, seharusnya susunan pengurus yang dikirimkan ke Kemenkumham adalah susunan pengurus yang sudah diganti pada pada rapat formatur lanjutan, yang ada revisi perbaikan susunan pengurusnya, karena seharusnya rapat terakhir yang berlaku. “Bukan hasil rapat formatur yang sudah dibatalkan,”tandasnya.
setelah masalah ini muncul, suasana di Dana Pangrukti juga kurang kondusif, karena ribut terus. Pengurus yang sekarang juga dinilai melanggar beberapa aturan, karena ada beberapa kegiatan yang semestinya tidak dilakukan menggunakan dana perkumpulan, tapi menggunakan dana perkumpulan.
Sementara itu, Bambang Giantoro menjelaskan yang disebut pengurus sesuai AD/ART adalah ketua, sekretaris, bendahara. Sedangkan yang lain disebut anggota pengurus. Sehingga, ketika terjadi penggantian anggota pengurus di tengah jalan, diperbolehkan. “Di dalam AD/ART sudah jelas, tidak boleh seenaknya saja melanggar aturan. Itu diatur di BAB XIII tentang Pengurus pasal 16,”kata Bambang, sambil menunjukkan pasal itu.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, pengurus perkumpulan Sinoman Dana Pangrukti Kediri digugat oleh sejumlah anggotanya di PN Kota Kediri dengan nilai kerugian immateriil Rp 10 miliar, karena pengurusan yang sekarang berjalan dinilai tidak sah dan melanggar AD/ART. Kasus ini sedang dalam proses persidangan di PN Kota Kediri. (mam)
Lawsuit for Pangrukti Fund Start Proof
KEDIRI – The civil suit in the Pangrukti Kediri Dana Sinoman Association case, in the Kediri City District Court (PN), yesterday began entering witnesses and verification. A number of administrators of the Pangrukti Fund, such as Edi Laksmana and Kristianto Gunadi, attended the hearing to witness the proceedings.
In the follow-up session held on Wednesday (4/29/2020) yesterday the plaintiff’s legal advisor, Samsul Arifin and Wijono S.H, presented two witnesses namely Hariyanto and Bambang Giantoro. While the defendants, namely the board of the Pangrukti Fund, were accompanied by legal counsel Edy Suwito S.H.
In front of the panel of judges, Hariyanto explained the chronology of the problem starting from the meeting of members, the election of the formators to the election of the board of the Pangrukti Fund, in the midst of the trip the elected chairman Paul Bingadiputra resigned, until then they appointed Edi Laksmana as chairman. “In the Articles of Association, the board is appointed by the chairman. Supposedly, when the chairman resigns, then returned to the formation or meeting of members again to elect the chairman. Not the board appoints the chairman. That’s not valid, “Hariyanto explained, pointing out the detestable statute / ART.
Hariyanto explained, the composition of the management that was sent to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights was the composition of the management that had been replaced at the meeting of the advanced formator, which had revised the composition of the management, because it was supposed to be the last meeting in force. “Not the result of the formation meeting that has been canceled,” he said.
After this problem arose, the atmosphere in the Pangrukti Fund was also less conducive, because of the noise. The current management is also considered to have violated several rules, because there are a number of activities that should not be carried out using association funds, but instead using association funds.
Meanwhile, Bambang Giantoro explained that what was called by the management according to AD / ART was the chairman, secretary, treasurer. While the others are called members of the board. So, when there is a replacement of the board members in the middle of the road, it is allowed. “In the AD / ART it is clear, it should not be arbitrarily violates the rules. That is regulated in Chapter XIII regarding Management article 16, “said Bambang, while showing the article.
As reported previously, the management of the Sinoman Dana Pangrukti Kediri association was sued by a number of its members in the Kediri District Court with an immaterial loss value of Rp 10 billion, because the current administration was considered illegal and violated the AD / ART. This case is currently under trial in Kediri City District Court. (mam)
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