Segera Susun Perda untuk Acuan Kemandirian
KEDIRI – Keterbatasan bukan menjadi masalah bagi penyandang disabilitas. Kata itulah yang mungkin pas di berikan kepada mereka. Meski dalam keterbatasan, mereka tetap semangat dalam menjalani kehidupan. Namun terkadang mereka terkendala dalam praktik kehidupan. Hak-hak yang seharusnya didapatkan malah belum bisa mereka rasakan.
Guna menyerap aspirasi mereka, DPRD Kabupaten Kediri mengundang Penyandang Disabilitas Kabupaten Kediri (PDKK) bersama anggotanya yang di dampingi oleh Direktur Suar Indonesian Kediri, Sanusi serta Koordinator Relawan Gotong Royong (RGR) Kediri Irma Yulianti di ruang Graha Sabha pada Rabu (21/10/20).
Kali ini Mereka datang untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan yang dihadapi kaum disabilitas, pasalnya selama ini di Kabupaten Kediri, mereka belum mendapatkan hak yang sesuai dengan kondisi mereka.
“Salah satu contoh, saat kami datang ke gedung DPRD ini, teman-teman yang menggunakan kursi roda harus dibopong karena tidak adanya lift. Kami yang tidak menggunakan kursi roda juga kesulitan,” ungkap Umi Salamah, ketua PDKK.
Sementara itu Dodi Purwanto, Ketua DPRD Kabuaten Kediri merasa sangat senang karena bisa mendengarkan aspirasi mereka secara langsung. Dia akan berusaha untuk bisa memfasilitasi kaum disabel itu. Dodi berharap, jika sudah di fasilitasi, mereka mampu menjadi lebih mandiri, agar tidak menjadi beban bagi keluarga mereka.
“Untuk memenuhi permintaan mereka, hanya butuh kemauan dari pemerintah daerah antara legislatif dan eksekutif. Selanjutnya mengaplikasikan daftar permasalahan tersebut dalam peraturan daerah yang nantinya menjadi acuan bagi teman-teman difabel. Kami juga siap mengawal dan bersinergi dengan pemerintah Provinsi maupun Pusat, Kementrian Sosial. Untuk masalah Perda kami akan segera menyusunnya, “ungkap Dodi.
Saat di singgung perihal gedung DPRD yang belum ramah terhadap penyandang disabilel, Dodi menjelaskan, banyak fasilitas pemerintah yang bangunanannya lama, salah satunya gedung DPRD, sehingga belum ada fasilitas untuk teman-teman difabilitas. (sul/mam)
DPRD Ready to Facilitate People with Disabilities
Immediately Compile Perda for Reference to Independence
KEDIRI – Limitations are not a problem for persons with disabilities. That word might be fitting given to them. Even though they are limited, they are still passionate about life. But sometimes they are constrained in the practice of life. They can’t even feel the rights they should have.
In order to absorb their aspirations, the Kediri Regency DPRD invited Persons with Disabilities Kediri Regency (PDKK) together with its members who were accompanied by the Director of Suar Indonesian Kediri, Sanusi and the Kediri Volunteer Cooperation (RGR) Coordinator Irma Yulianti in the Graha Sabha room on Wednesday (21/10 20).
This time they came to reveal the problems faced by people with disabilities, because so far in Kediri Regency, they have not received rights that are in accordance with their conditions.
“One example, when we came to the DPRD building, friends who used wheelchairs had to be carried because there was no lift. Those of us who did not use wheelchairs also had difficulties,” said Umi Salamah, chairman of the PDKK.
Meanwhile, Dodi Purwanto, Chairman of the Kediri Regency DPRD, was very happy because he could hear their aspirations directly. He will try to be able to facilitate the disabled. Dodi hopes that if they have been facilitated, they will be able to become more independent, so that they do not become a burden to their families.
“To fulfill their request, it only takes the will of the regional government between the legislative and executive branches. Furthermore, the list of problems is applied in regional regulations which will later become a reference for friends with disabilities. We are also ready to oversee and synergize with the provincial and central government, the Ministry of Social Affairs. For the issue of the regional regulation, we will immediately compile it, “said Dodi.
When asked about the DPRD building which was not friendly to persons with disabilities, Dodi explained, many government facilities were old, one of which was the DPRD building, so there were no facilities for disabled friends. (sul / mam)
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