KEDIRI – Rencana Supati untuk menjadi calon bupati Kediri, diprediksi pupus sudah. Dia akhirnya ditahan oleh Polres Kediri (Kamis, 20/2/20) Kota setelah sehari sebelumnya dia dijemput paksa di rumahnya untuk menjalani pemeriksaan sebagai tersangka. Kemungkinan pupusnya harapan pencalonan Bupati Kediri ini, karena proses hukum Supadi diprediksi akan melalui proses panjang. Sehingga tidak memungkinkan bagi dirinya untuk mengikuti proses seleksi calon selanjutnya. “Dia resmi ditahan,”ujar AKP Kamsudi, saat dikonfirmasi kediripost di ruang kerjanya.
Menurut Kamsudi, penahanan Supadi ini karena sudah memenuhi unsur dua alat bukti yang dibutuhkan oleh pemeriksa. Dia dijerat dengan pasal Pasal 93 juncto Pasal 28 ayat 7 Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi dengan ancaman hukuman 10 tahun penjara. Sebelumnya, Supadi sudah dipanggil polisi untuk diperiksa sebanyak dua kali, tetapi dia tidak segera hadir untuk diperiksa.
Seperti diberitakan, Supadi diduga menggunakan gelar SE palsu dalam beberapa dokumen resmi. Hanya saja, sebelumnya Supadi mengaku SE itu bukan gelar, tapi nama baiat yaitu Subari Erlangga dan sudah memperoleh penetapan pengadilan.
Penahanan Supadi itu, kemarin langsung mendapat empati dari salah satu anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri dari PPP yaitu Taufik Chavifudin. Begitu mendengar Supadi ditahan, siang sekitar jam 15.00 berusaha menjenguk Supadi di Mako Polres Kediri Kota. Namun dia hanya tertahan pos penjagaan karena masa waktu menjenguk sudah lewat, hanya sampai jam 14.00. “Ya saya ingin menjenguk. Saya lama kenal dengan Supadi. Melihat situasi ini, saya ingin mengingatkan agar dia fokus untuk menyelesaikan masalahnya, tidak berfikir yang lain-lain,”ujar Taufik, saat ditemui kediripost.
Sedangkan ketua DPC PAN Kabupaten Kediri, Muhaimin, yang semula menjadi salah satu partai yang akan mengusung Supadi, saat dikonfirmasi menjelaskan pihaknya masih akan melihat perkembangan kasus tersebut hingga ada keputusan tetap atau Inkracht. Tetapi jika waktu tidak memungkinkan, pihaknya kemungkinan akan mengambil sikap lain. “ Kita menunggu perkembangan situasi dulu,”ujar dikonfirmasi melalui saluran telepon.
Sedangkan Sentot Djamaluddin, ketua DPC PKB yang rencana awal menjadi pengusung utama Supadi, hingga kemarin belum bisa dikonfirmasi. Saat ditelepon tidak diangkat, Konfirmasi melalui saluran whatsap juga tidak dijawab. (mam)
Detained, Failed to Become Candidate Regent, Visited by the Council
KEDIRI – Supati’s plan to become a candidate for the regent of Kediri is predicted to disappear. He was finally detained by the Kediri Regional Police (Thursday, 2/20/20) City after the day before he was forcibly picked up at his home to undergo examination as a suspect. It is likely that the Kediri Regent Regent’s nomination was dashed, because Supadi’s legal process was predicted to go through a long process. So it is not possible for him to follow the next candidate selection process. “He was officially detained,” said AKP Kamsudi, when confirmed Kediripost in his office.
According to Kamsudi, Supadi’s detention was because he had fulfilled the two elements of evidence needed by the examiner. He was charged with article 93 in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph 7 of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education with the threat of a sentence of 10 years in prison. Previously, Supadi had been summoned by the police for questioning twice, but he was not immediately present to be questioned.
As reported, Supadi allegedly used fake SE titles in several official documents. However, Supadi previously claimed that the SE was not a title, but the name of bai’at was Subari Erlangga and had obtained a court decision.
Supadi’s arrest yesterday directly received empathy from a member of the Kediri Regency DPRD from PPP, Taufik Chavifudin. Upon hearing Supadi was arrested, at noon around 3:00 pm he tried to visit Supadi at Mako Kediri City Police Station. But he was only held up by a guard post because the visiting period had passed, only until 14.00. “Yes, I want to visit. I have long known Supadi. Seeing this situation, I want to remind him to focus on solving his problem, not thinking about anything else, “said Taufik, when met by Kediripost.
While the chairman of the DPC PAN of Kediri Regency, Muhaimin, who was originally one of the parties that would carry Supadi, when confirmed explained that he would still see the development of the case until there was a permanent decision or Inkracht. But if time does not allow it, it will likely take another stance. “We are waiting for the development of the situation first,” he confirmed through the telephone line.
Whereas Sentot Djamaluddin, chairman of the PKB DPC whose initial plan was to be Supadi’s main bearer, could not be confirmed yesterday. When the call is not picked up, confirmation via whatsap is also not answered. (mam)
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