Usai Takziyah, Tim Dhito-Dewi Terpapar
KEDIRI – Jumlah anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri yang terpapar covid-19, diinformasikan terus berubah. Muncul informasi, ada 3 lagi anggota DPRD yang terpapar covid -19. Selain itu, ada 7 pegawai Sekretariat DPRD yang ikut terpapar. Sehingga jumlahnya 15 orang untuk di lingkungan DPRD Kabupaten Kediri. Hanya saja, tidak seluruhnya terpapar paska kunjungan kerja dari luar daerah, ada juga yang diinfokan terpapar setelah takziyah di salah satu desa di Wates.
Sumber-sumber Kediripost menyebutkan, salah satu anggota DPRD yang terpapar itu kini sedang isolasi di RS. Anggota dewan yang juga tim sukses Dhito – Dewi itu, terpapar setelah takziyah. Sehingga sejumlah anggota tim sukses yang ikut takziah bersama dia, dilakukan rapid test.
Salah satu dari 3 anggota dewan yang dikabarkan terpapar covid 19, saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan dia sedang isolasi di salah satu rumah sakit di Kediri. “Saya disuruh rehat (istirahat,red),” katanya, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsapp.
Sementara itu, salah satu keluarga almarhumah yang didatangi Dewi dan tim suksesnya, saat dikonfirmasi juga membenarkan adanya tim Dewi yang datang ikut takziah ke rumahnya. Karena ada kabar salah satunya positif, seluruh keluarga almarmahumah juga harus rapid tes. “Ya, semua keluarga ikut rapid tes juga.
Sedangkan juru bicara Gugus Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri, Ahmad Khotib, saat dikonfirmasi mengaku belum mendapatkan info. Dia mengaku akan mencari informasi dulu. Namun setelah beberapa lama dikonfirmasi ulang, dia tetap mengaku belum mendapat info. “
Ibnu Gunawan, Direktur RS Kabupaten Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi juga tidak mau memberi keterangan. Dia menyarankan untuk ke Dinas Kesehatan. “Hubungi Dinkes Kabupaten Kediri Bapak,”jawabnya.
Bambang Triyono, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kediri, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsapp, juga belum menjawab. (mam)
Positive Board of 8 People, Sekwan 7 People?
After Takziyah, Team Dhito-Dewi was exposed
KEDIRI – The number of members of the Kediri Regency DPRD who are exposed to Covid-19 has been informed that it continues to change. Information appeared, there were 3 more DPRD members who were exposed to Covid -19. In addition, 7 DPRD Secretariat employees were also exposed. So that the total is 15 people for the Kediri Regency DPRD. However, not all of them were exposed after a work visit from outside the region, there were also those who were exposed after taking takziyah in a village in Wates.
Kediripost sources said that one of the DPRD members who was exposed was currently in isolation in the hospital. The board member who is also the Dhito – Dewi success team, was exposed after takziyah. So that a number of members of the success team who took the pilgrimage with him, were carried out a rapid test.
One of the 3 board members who were reportedly exposed to Covid 19, when confirmed, confirmed that he was in isolation in a hospital in Kediri. “I was told to take a break (rest, red),” he said, when confirmed through the WhatsApp channel.
Meanwhile, one of the families of the deceased who was visited by Dewi and her success team, when confirmed, also confirmed that Dewi’s team came to take the pilgrimage to her house. Because there was news that one of them was positive, the entire family of the almarmahumah also had to undergo a rapid test. “Yes, all families take the rapid test too.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Covid-19 Cluster in Kediri Regency, Ahmad Khotib, when confirmed, admitted that he had not received any information. He admitted that he would seek information first. However, after being reconfirmed for a while, he still admitted that he had not received any information. “
Ibnu Gunawan, Director of the Kediri Regency Hospital, did not want to give any information when he was confirmed. He suggested going to the Health Office. “Contact the Kediri District Health Office, Bapak,” he replied.
Bambang Triyono, Head of the Kediri Regency Health Service, when confirmed through the WhatsApp channel, also did not answer. (mam)
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