Cegah Calon Tunggal, Surati 9 DPP Partai

TOLAK CALON TUNGGAL : Banner penolakan calon tunggal yang pernah terpasang pada Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri, September mendatang

KEDIRI – Pergerakan penolakan terhadap skenario calon tunggal pada Pemilihan Bupati Kediri, September 2020 mendatang, terus berjalan. Setelah melakukan aksi demonstrasi ke KPU Kabupaten Kediri, Aliansi Penegak Demokrasi Kediri Djayati, mengirim surat ke Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) 9 partai pemilik kursi di DPRD Kabupaten Kediri. Yaitu DPP PDIP, DPP PKB, DPP PAN, DPP Golkar, DPP PPP, DPP PKS, DPP Gerindra, DPP Demokrat, dan DPP Nasdem. “Karena yang mengeluarkan rekomendasi calon bupati itu DPP masing-masing partai,”ujar Khoirul Anam, salah satu penggagas aliansi.

Seperti diberitakan, muncul isu kuat pada Pilkada Kabupaten Kediri September mendatang ada skenario calon tunggal melalui koalisi istana, yaitu seluruh parpol yang tergabung di kabinet Jokowi, diharuskan mendukung pencalonan Hanindhito Himawan Pramono, anak Pramono Anung. Sehingga tidak ada lagi partai atau koalisi partai yang bisa mengusung calon lain.

Menurut Khoirul Anam, mengingat rekomendasi calon bupati / wakil bupati yang mengeluarkan DPP masing-masing partai, kalau mereka tidak mengetahui penolakan masyarakat terhadap skenario calon tunggal, dengan mudah DPP merekom calon tunggal. Kalau semua DPP partai mengetahui penolakan calon tunggal, kita harapkan ada beberapa partai yang mau merekom calon lain. “Kalau tetap calon tunggal, berarti seluruh DPP itu ikut menghancurkan demokrasi di Kediri,”tandas Khoirul Anam.

Untuk mencegah rekom calon tunggal dari DPP masing-masing partai, pihaknya sengaja mengirim surat ke seluruh DPP melalui surat tercatat. “Sebelum rekom dari DPP turun, surat penolakan harus sudah sampai ke tangan mereka. Ini untuk mencegah Oligarki politik di Kediri,”jelasnya. (mam)

Prevent Single Candidates, Surati 9 Party DPP

KEDIRI – The movement to reject the single candidate scenario in the Kediri Regent Election, September 2020, continues. After holding a demonstration to the KPU of Kediri Regency, the Alliance of Democracy Enforcers of Kediri Djayati, sent a letter to the Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the 9 party seatholders in the Kediri Regency DPRD. Namely DPP PDIP, PKP DPP, DPP PAN, Golkar DPP, PPP DPP, PKS DPP, Gerindra DPP, Democratic DPP, and Nasdem DPP. “Because the one who issued the regent’s recommendation was the DPP of each party,” said Khoirul Anam, one of the initiators of the alliance.
As reported, a strong issue emerged in the Kediri regional election next September there was a scenario of a single candidate through the palace coalition, in which all political parties incorporated in the Jokowi cabinet were required to support the nomination of Hanindhito Himawan Pramono, Pramono Anung’s son. So that there are no more parties or party coalitions that can carry other candidates.
According to Khoirul Anam, given the recommendation of the candidates for regent / deputy regent who issued the DPP of each party, if they did not know the community’s rejection of the scenario of a single candidate, the DPP could easily recruit a single candidate. If all party DPPs know of the rejection of a single candidate, we hope that there are several parties that want to recruit other candidates. “If it remains a single candidate, it means that the entire DPP will help destroy democracy in Kediri,” said Khoirul Anam.
To prevent a single candidate’s record from the DPP of each party, his party deliberately sent a letter to all DPPs through registered mail. “Before the record from the DPP goes down, the rejection letter must have reached their hands. This is to prevent political Oligarchy in Kediri, “he explained. (mam)

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