KEDIRI – Bursa kandidat Wakil Walikota (Wawali) kembali menyeruak setelah masa new normal, sejumlah kandidat kembali menghangat di pembicaraan kalangan masyarakat dan sejumlah anggota dewan, mengiringi isu pemberhentian (alm) Lilik Muhibbah yang diinformasikan akan dilaksanakan awal Juli.
Ahmad Muqtakdir, anggota DPRD Kota Kediri dari PPP yang juga salah satu kandidat Wawali, mengaku tidak mau berlebih menanggapi dirinya yang masuk dalam bursa kandidat Wawali. Dia tahu diri bahwa dirinya bukan dari partai pengusung. “Saya tidak mau berlebihan. Semuanya masih dalam proses dinamikan politik,”ujar Takdir, saat ditemui kediripost.
Menurut Taqdir, apapun posisi dan pekerjaan yang bermanfaat bagi orang banyak, prinsipnya dia siap melakukan. Hanya saja, dia tidak mau gegabah dengan isu bursa Wawali yang sekarang berkembang di masyarakat. “Saya tidak ambisius. Biarkan semuanya mengalir begitu saja,”tandasnya.
Bagi Taqdir, yang paling penting bagi dirinya, jika harus melangkah untuk merespon serius isu kandidat Wawali adalah restu anak istri dan restu gurunya, yaitu K.H. Douglas Yahya alias Gus Lik, yang selama ini menjadi rujukan dirinya untuk melangkah. “Kalau Gus Lik tidak memberi restu tidak apa-apa. Kalau Gus Lik tidak memberi restu, saya tidak akan berani melangkah,”katanya.
Seperti diberitakan, bursa calon Wawali pengganti Ning Lik terus beredar di masyarakat. Dua orang yang sudah mendaftar di PAN dan Nasdem, yaitu Reza Darmawan dan Agus Puji Hadi. Nama Taqdir muncul sebagai bagian dari representasi sosial, salah satu kader NU potensial, mengingat background Ning Lik yang juga kader NU dan dinilai bisa bekerjasama dengan Walikota Abu Bakar. (mam)
Vice Mayor, Fate ‘Depends’ on Teacher
KEDIRI – Deputy candidate for Vice Mayor (Vice Mayor) re-emerged after the new normal period, a number of candidates warmed up again in discussions among the community and a number of board members, accompanying the issue of the dismissal (deceased) Lilik Muhibbah who was informed to be held in early July.
Ahmad Muqtakdir, a member of the Kediri City DPRD from PPP who is also one of the Vice Mayor candidates, claimed he did not want to over-react to him who was included in the Vice Mayor candidate exchange. He knows himself that he is not from the bearer party. “I don’t want to overdo it. Everything is still in the process of dynamically political, “Takdir said, when met Kediripost.
According to Taqdir, whatever the position and work that is useful for many people, in principle he is ready to do. It’s just that he does not want to be careless with the issue of the Vice Mayor market which is now developing in the community. “I’m not ambitious. Let everything just flow, “he said.
For Taqdir, the most important thing for him, if he had to step in to respond seriously to the issue of the Vice Mayor candidate was the blessing of his wife and children and the blessing of his teacher, namely K.H. Douglas Yahya alias Gus Lik, who has been his reference for moving forward. “If Gus Lik doesn’t give his blessing, it’s okay. If Gus Lik does not give his blessing, I will not dare to move, “he said.
As reported, the exchange of prospective Vice Mayor Ning Lik continues to circulate in the community. Two people who have registered at PAN and Nasdem, namely Reza Darmawan and Agus Puji Hadi. The name Taqdir appears as part of social representation, one of the potential NU cadres, given Ning Lik’s background who is also an NU cadre and is considered able to work with the Mayor of Abu Bakar. (mam)
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