Bantuan Tidak Tersalur, Rawan Penggelapan

KEDIRI – Bantuan untuk masyarakat yang tidak tersalurkan, sangat rawan kemungkinan terjadinya penggelapan dan potensial mengurangi kepercayaan masyarakat pada pemerintah. Jika bantuan dari pemerintah, sangat rawan terjadi kemungkinan penggelapan. Jika bantuan dari masyarakat, bisa memunculkan ketidakpercayaan masyarakat. “Maka, sebaiknya bantuan harus segera disalurkan kepada masyarakat yang memang berhak,”ujar Syamsul Arifin SH, ketua Lembaga Konsultasi dan Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (LKBHI) Nusantara.

TIDAK TERSALURKAN? : Barang-barang bantuan covid-19 dari masyarakat yang menumpuk dan alat-alat konveksi yang menumpuk di Dinas Sosial

Seperti diberitakan, sejumlah bantuan dari masyarakat untuk Covid-19 yang disalurkan melalui Pemkot Kediri, beberapa waktu lalu ditemukan masih menumpuk di salah satu ruangan di Pemkot Kediri. Selain itu, juga ditemukan sejumlah barang seperti mesin jahit, obras, dan alat salon kecantikan, yang diduga untuk bantuan masyarakat, masih menumpuk di lantai II salah satu ruangan di Dinas Sosial Kota Kediri.

BERPOTENSI PENGGELAPAN : Samsul Arifin SH, ketua LKBHI Nusantara

Menurut Arifin,  sumbangan dari masyarakat untuk masyarakat seperti bantuan covid-19 di Kota Kediri yang tidak segera disalurkan, jelas tidak dibenarkan. Sumbangan secepatnya harus disalurkan ke masyarakat yg membtuhkan. Sebab, itu haknya masyarakat. “ Jika tidak disalurkan, sangat rawan terjadinya penyelewengan dan penyalahgunaan, sehingga dapat menimbulkan penggelapan atas bntuan tersebut,”kata Arifin.

Sedangkan terkait bantuan yang masih menumpuk di Dinas Sosial Kota Kediri, yang diduga bantuan dari pemerintah provinsi, Arifin menegaskan jika tidak disalurkan, berpotensial menjadi kejahatan dalam  jabatan. Sebab, bantuan itu sangat jelas  penerimanya, namun mengapa tidak langsung disalurkan? “Apabila penerima tidak ada, maka sebaiknya bantuan itu dikembalikan lagi ke pemerintah provinsi” jelasnya.

Arifin berharap, pemerintah Kota Kediri lebih terbuka terkait dengan bantuan masyarakat. Sehingga tidak mengurangi tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat pada pemerintah. “Kalau ini terulang-ulang, masyarakat bisa-bisa tidak mau lagi memberikan bantuan lewat pemerintah. Lebih baik disalurkan sendiri langsung ke masyarakat,”ujar Arifin.

Sementara itu, kepala Dinas Sosial Kota Kediri, Triyono Kutut, saat dikonfirmasi melalui saluran whatsapp, hanya dibuka tapi tidak dijawab. (mam)

Aid is not channeled, prone to embezzlement

KEDIRI – Assistance for the community that is not distributed is very prone to the possibility of embezzlement and has the potential to reduce public confidence in the government. If there is assistance from the government, it is very prone to possible embezzlement. If assistance comes from the community, it can create public distrust. “So, the aid should be immediately distributed to people who are truly entitled,” said Syamsul Arifin SH, coordinator of the Indonesian Archipelago Legal Aid and Consultation Institute.
As reported, a number of assistance from the community for Covid-19 that was channeled through the Kediri City Government, some time ago was found still piled up in one of the rooms in the Kediri City Government. In addition, a number of items such as sewing machines, serviettes, and beauty salon equipment, which were allegedly for community assistance, were still piled up on the second floor of one of the rooms in the Kediri City Social Service.
According to Arifin, donations from the community for the community, such as covid-19 assistance in Kediri City that were not immediately distributed, were clearly not justified. Donations should be distributed as soon as possible to communities in need. Because, that is the right of the community. “If it is not distributed, it is very prone to fraud and abuse, which can lead to embezzlement of the assistance,” said Arifin.
Meanwhile, related to the aid that is still piling up at the Social Service of Kediri City, which is suspected of being assistance from the provincial government, Arifin emphasized that if it is not distributed, it has the potential to become a crime in office. Because the recipient of the aid was very clear, but why was it not distributed immediately? “If there are no recipients, then the aid should be returned to the provincial government,” he explained.
Arifin hopes that the Kediri City government will be more open about community assistance. So that it does not reduce the level of public trust in the government. “If this is repeated, the community might not want to provide assistance through the government anymore. Better to distribute it directly to the community, ”said Arifin.
Meanwhile, the head of the Kediri City Social Service, Triyono Kutut, when confirmed through the WhatsApp channel, was only opened but not answered. (mam)

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