5 Anggota DPRD Positif Covid?

Pulang Kunjungan Kerja, 1 Camat Juga Positif

KEDIRI – Lima (5) anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, dikabarkan positif terpapar  covid-19 dan harus melakukan isolasi, ada yang isolasi di rumah sakit dan ada yang isolasi mandiri. Mereka terpapar setelah seluruh anggota DPRD dilakukan swab di RSUD Pare. Mereka antara lain ML, AI, BG, SP, dan dan DN. Selain itu, salah seorang Camat yang juga suami anggota DPRD, RN, juga dinyatakan positif. Sehingga, suami istri sama-sama positif, istrinya anggota DPRD, suaminya Camat.

BELUM TERIMA DATA l Ahmad Khotib, ketua tim Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri

Informasi yang dikumpulkan kediripost, hampir seluruh anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri, awal November melakukan kunjungan kerja ke berbagai daerah yang berbeda, sesuai komisi masing-masing. Salah satunya, ke Cirebon, Jawa Barat, dan pulang pada Minggu (8/11/20).

Saat pulang, salah satu anggota drop dan masuk rumah sakit. Setelah dicek, ternyata positif covid -19. Seluruh anggota komisi yang kunjungan kerja ke Cirebon, akhirnya dites rapid dan swab. Hasilnya, ditemukan tiga orang positif covid. Berdasarkan hasil itu, akhirnya seluruh anggota DPRD Kabupaten Kediri dilakukan swab. Hasilnya, 2 dinyatakan positif . Sehingga, total ada 5 anggota dewan yang positif. Selain itu, suami salah satu anggota dewan itu, yang kebetulan sebagai Camat, ketika swab juga dinyatakan positif.

Ketua Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Kabupaten Kediri, Achmad Khotib, mengaku sudah mendengar salah satu anggota dewan diisolasi di RS dan seluruh anggota dewan melakukan rapid tes di RSUD Pare, Senin (9/11/20). Hanya saja, dia mengaku belum mendapatkan data detail. “Saya dengar dari kabar internal memang ada yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Tapi detailnya seperti apa, saya belum mendapat informasi,”katanya, saat ditemui di kantor IDI Kabupaten Kediri.

Menurut Khotib, swas tes yang dilakukan para anggota dewan itu merupakan swab mandiri, atas permintaan dewan, bukan atas perintah Gugus Covid. Khotib juga tidak bisa memastikan kapan dia mendapatkan data detail dari RSUD Pare atau dari Dinkes, terkait data detail hasil rapid tes, sehingga pihaknya belum melakukan tracing. Lhoooo???? (mam)

5 DPRD Members Are Positive Covid?

Go Home From Work Visit, 1 Head Subdistric is Positive too

KEDIRI – Five (5) members of the Kediri Regency DPRD, reportedly tested positive for Covid-19 and had to carry out isolation, some were isolated in hospital and some were isolated independently. They were exposed after all members of the DPRD were swabbed at Pare Regional Hospital. They include ML, AI, BG, SP, and DN. In addition, one of the Camat who is also the husband of a DPRD member, RN, also tested positive. Thus, the husband and wife are equally positive, the wife is a member of the DPRD, her husband is the Camat.
The information collected by the Kediripost, almost all members of the DPRD Kediri Regency, in early November made working visits to various different regions, according to their respective commissions. One of them, went to Cirebon, West Java, and returned home on Sunday (8/11/20).
Upon returning home, one of the members dropped and was admitted to the hospital. After checking, it turned out to be positive for Covid -19. All commission members who visited Cirebon for work ended up being tested for rapid and swab tests. The result, found three people positive for Covid. Based on these results, in the end all members of the Kediri Regency DPRD carried out a swab. As a result, 2 tested positive. Thus, a total of 5 board members were positive. In addition, the husband of one of the council members, who happened to be the sub-district head, when the swab was also tested positive.
The chairman of the Kediri Regency Covid-19 Task Force, Achmad Khotib, admitted that he had heard that one of the members of the board was isolated in the hospital and all members of the council carried out a rapid test at Pare Hospital, Monday (9/11/20). It’s just that, he admitted that he had not received detailed data. “I heard from internal news that someone was being treated at the hospital. But what the details are, I have not received any information, ”he said, when met at the Kediri Regency IDI office.
According to Khotib, the self-test carried out by council members was an independent swab, at the request of the council, not on the orders of the Covid Group. Khotib also could not confirm when he got the detailed data from the Pare Regional Hospital or from the Health Office, regarding the detailed data on the rapid test results, so his party had not carried out tracing. Lhoooo ???? (mam)


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