Kantor Koperasi Sudah Tutup Sejak Selasa
KEDIRI – Geger kasus Koperasi Niaga Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia (NMSI) Jl. Patiunus, Kota Kediri, yang lebih dikenal dengan Koperasi Lanceng, mulai memakan korban. Salah seorang agen di Blitar, Yas, dikabarkan bunuh diri dengan cara gantung diri hingga meninggal dunia karena tidak mampu menahan beban setelah meras ditipu oleh koperasi. Informasi agen yang bunuh diri di Blitar ini, langsung viral di sejumlah grup WA mitra dan agen NMSI.
Aiptu Hardi, petugas jaga Polsek Lodoyo, Blitar, yang dihubungi Kediripost.co.id, melalui jaringan telepon, membenarkan adanya kasus bunuh diri di Desa Bacem, Kecamatan Sutojayan, (masuk wilayah kerja Polsek Lodoyo,red), Rabu (17/2/2021). “Kejadiannya sekitar jam 04.30, dilaporkan sekitar 06.30,”ujarnya.
Saat ditanya terkait isu bahwa dia bunuh diri terkait dengan kasus di Koperasi Lanceng, Aiptu Hardi mengakui adanya informasi tersebut. Hanya saja, dia belum bisa memastikan karena kasus bunuh diri masih dalam penyidikan Unit Reskrim. “Memang ada kabar yang seperti itu. Tapi ini masih dalam penyelidikan,”tandas Hardi.
Sementara itu, di Kediri, kantor Koperasi NMSI di Jl. Patiunus, sejak Selasa (16/2/2021) terlihat tutup. Belum jelas, sampai kapan kantor itu tutup dan mengapa tutup. Di pintu kantor tertempel tulisan ‘ Untuk sementara Kantor NMSI Kediri tidak menerima tamu ‘. Sedangkan Sekretaris Koperasi NMSI, Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, saat dihubungi melalui WA, tidak menjawab. Saat ditelepon, juga tidak diangkat.
Seperti diberitakan, kantor Koperasi NMSI digeruduk para agen dan mitra setelah muncul kabar uang koperasi dibawa kabur ketuanya, Christian Anton Hadrianto, senilai Rp 5 miliar lebih. Para agen dan mitra yang berusaha menarik uangnya, hingga kini belum ada kejelasan. Diprediksi, total uang yang masuk dari agen dan mitra mencapai sekitar Rp 0,5 triliun lebih atau Rp 500 miliar lebih. Melihat besarnya uang yang masuk koperasi, banyak para mitra yang tidak yakin koperasi kolaps ‘hanya’ gara-gara uang Rp 5 miliar dibawa kabur ketuanya. (mam)
Victim of “Cooperative Lanceng” Suicide?
The Cooperative Office Has Been Closed Since Tuesday
KEDIRI – The riot in the case of the Mandiri Sejahtera Indonesia Cooperative (NMSI) Jl. Patiunus, Kota Kediri, which is better known as Koperasi Lanceng, is starting to take its toll. One of the agents in Blitar, Yas, reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself to death because he was unable to bear the burden after being cheated by the cooperative. Information about the agent who committed suicide in Blitar immediately went viral in a number of WA partner groups and NMSI agents.
Iptu Hardi, the officer on duty at the Lodoyo Police, Blitar, who was contacted by Kediripost.co.id, through the telephone network, confirmed that there was a suicide case in Bacem Village, Sutojayan District, (entered the Lodoyo Polsek working area, red), Wednesday (17/2 / 2021). “It happened around 4:30 a.m., it was reported around 6:30 a.m.,” he said.
When asked about the issue that he committed suicide related to the case at the Lanceng Cooperative, Iptu Hardi admitted that this information was available. However, he could not confirm it because the suicide case was still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit. “There is indeed news like that. But this is still under investigation, “said Hardi.
Meanwhile, in Kediri, the NMSI Cooperative office is on Jl. Patiunus, since Tuesday (16/2/2021) looks closed. It is not clear how long the office will close and why it is closed. On the office door was affixed the words ‘For the time being the NMSI Kediri office does not accept guests’. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the NMSI Cooperative, Lalu Ahmad Baiquni, when contacted via WA, did not answer. When called, also not answered.
As reported, the NMSI Cooperative office was raided by agents and partners after news emerged that the cooperative’s money was taken away by its chairman, Christian Anton Hadrianto, worth more than Rp 5 billion. The agents and partners who are trying to withdraw their money are not clear. It is predicted that the total incoming money from agents and partners will reach around Rp. 0.5 trillion or more. Rp. 500 billion. Seeing the large amount of money that entered the cooperative, many partners were not sure that the cooperative collapsed “only” because the head of the Rp 5 billion was taken away. (mam)
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